Don’t let this New Moon Energy Depress You

EDIT:  I wrote about this being a “Full Moon”.  Talk about weird energy.  It is a NEW MOON with a partial solar eclipse, not a full moon.  Must be the lack of sleep over the past week but it explains how upside down some of the energy is.   I...

Pisces Full Moon ~ Super Moon Energy Alert

The reason this full moon is called a Super Moon is because the Moon is closest to the Earth and in direct alignment with the sun and the earth at the time it is full. This is the closest full moon to the earth in 2015 ~ extra powerful.  You probably feel this...

Take Time to Reflect

Sometimes its good to reflect back on your day, or your week, month, year, life…. look at where you were, where you are, how far you have come, and where you want to go from here. I think the planetary energies right now are a good time for this.  We have a full...