You Are Responsible for Your Life

You are responsible for your life.  Not someone or something else, just you. People can “do you wrong”, or “rip you off”, or make mistakes that impact you, but the more responsibility you take for yourself, the more empowered you will feel and be. I was watching the...

Power vs. Control

We are in some very powerful times on our planet.  2014 was a really intense year for all of us.  So much came up for us to evaluate or re-evaluate.  Some things just needed to be rejigged but a LOT of stuff needed to be let go of. The good news.  Finally the energy...

You are Powerful

You are powerful.  You create your reality whether you wish to believe it or not. I have said many times before, everything is energy.  Our brain waves are energy, therefore our thoughts are energy. We are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we are...