The Physics of Vibration Becoming Reality

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I am always saying “thoughts are things” and “intention is everything”, and that our thoughts create our reality via our vibration and our feelings and our actions. I came across this...

Wherever you go, you bring your vibration with you.

We don’t always all have the same truth.  Everything is a matter of perspective.  I think the world is getting better, that is my perspective.  I know a lot of people who think it is getting worse, that is their perspective. We get what we are vibrating.  We get...

Where have you been vibrating this year?

There are a lot of things coming to fruition right now. You have a TON of momentum from the energies of the spring.  Think about what you wanted six months ago.  Law of Attraction is bringing it to you now. What type of momentum you have got going will dictate whether...

Abraham Hicks ~ On Being an Empathizer

I really wanted to share this with you.  Many of you who read my blog are empaths.  I am an empath.  I have written about being an empath before, but this is another perspective from Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. I have always said that we can control our gifts.  I...

Why I Write

I write these blog posts for you.  All of us are on a journey, it is a journey of your Soul.  A journey that will end with all of us going back home.  I believe we come here to have experiences, and I believe we are meant to find the path to what fulfills us in this...