This blog post is Part One of a Two-Part Series.
I write and talk a lot about you having control over your own life. A lot of clients ask me “How much control do I really have? Are some things just destiny, or meant to be?”
What about the things you really want, but that you don’t get? You need to remember, there is more to you than just your ego mind. You have a soul. A higher self that has come to this earth for a reason. You came here for an experience.
What you need to do, is to connect with your soul and see what it is that you really want, what your Soul wants. Sometimes if your ego mind is not in line with your soul, it can appear as if you really aren’t getting what you want.
If you have had a reading with me you know. I can often see clearly the path you are headed down, and what the result will be if you continue on that path. Basically, I can see where you are headed right now. Another thing you may know is that whatever path I see you on at the moment CAN be changed. All it takes is for you to be conscious; to realize that there is more to you than just what you think and that if there is something coming up you do not like or something you are experiencing right now that you do not like, you can change it by taking action.
Before you came here, your Soul decided that a certain thing would be your life purpose. (Some people refer to this information as what is contained in the Akashic records). HOW YOU EXPERIENCE YOUR LIFE PURPOSE IS UP TO YOU. Once you get here and go through some experiences, it is up to you to decide whether or not to stay on the path you are on or switch things up a bit.
Is it comfortable for you here? Do you feel like you are living your purpose? Which path do you choose to walk down on your way to fulfilling your purpose?
When I do a reading and see something coming up for someone and they do not like it, they can change it. Knowledge is a part of the power and control. ** Most people can tap into this themselves if they really want to, but it takes meditation, patience and lots and lots of practice. Most have been conditioned to respond to things in a certain mindful or logical way and when they get inspired to do something completely different than what most people would call ‘normal’, they ignore it. In essence, they don’t listen to their inner guidance. So they may unconsciously, but yet from a soul level, create something that appears undesirable in everyday life in order to facilitate a change.
There have been times when I’ve looked at my own path, and consciously changed where I saw myself headed. I look, I see, I don’t like, I meditate, pray, ask for help, make changes, do energy work, ask through meditation which other way I can do it, whatever it takes to do things in a new way. I don’t think I really need to do more than just hold the intention of changing it, but doing those things helps me stay balanced and focused.
There are times when I look and see something I don’t like and I just prepare myself for it. There are a lot of difficult things I’ve gone through in my life but each and every one of them has made me who I am today. If not for the bad stuff, if my entire life had just been a bed of roses, I certainly wouldn’t be able to relate to people who are going through a tough time themselves. When I connect with a client who is going through a difficult time, it is easier for me to feel compassion if I’ve been there myself.
Anyway, next time you are trying to manifest or control something, take a look at what your end goal is. Does what you are doing in your day-to-day life right now support the end goal of what you want? What your higher self is trying to achieve? Do you need to shake things up a bit? Are you headed down a path where the only option for your higher self to get you where you need/want to be is through discomfort?
Sometimes you cannot dictate exactly what reaching your goal looks like. You don’t always get to where you want to be via the path that you initially planned with your mind, you may need to make adjustments along the way, but you truly do have control over where you end up.
** For those of you who wish to work on connecting with Spirit and learning how to “Do it Yourself”, I offer Vibrational Coaching and Psychic Mentoring to better support you with understanding and learning to play more with the Law of Attraction, conscious manifestation, energy work, and balancing and raising your vibration. I am confident that in-person and telephone/video chat coaching with me will be helpful to many 🙂
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This is a wonderful article. I love what you say about not being able to determine what the road to accomplishment will look like. I think we often get stuck expecting everything to be easy–and when it’s not easy we feel like it’s not working out. There is so much more to life than easy straight and I can’t imagine the weakling I’d be today if it weren’t for the hard times that I’ve overcome. My higher self always guides me through. Thanks for posting this wonderful article. I’ll share it with friends.
.-= Nea | Self Improvement Saga´s last blog ..The 4 Best Natural Health Remedies That Keep the Doctor Away =-.
Thanks Nea,
Yes, life sure can be a challenge, but with a bit of dedication and meditation and trust we seem to make it through.
Part two of this blog “You Cannot Control Other People or Things” will be posted tomorrow!!