It is hard to believe we are already 2/3 of the way through September. Come to think of it, we are more than 2/3 of the way through this year too.

Time sure flies these days. What is it that want to do with your time? What is it that you are doing with your time? Are they the same thing?

Most of us have this tendency to focus too much on things that don’t really matter. We waste our time waiting for a rough patch in our life to end. Saying “as soon as this is resolved, then I can get on with my life”. When we think of things in this way, we often miss out on opportunities. We miss the opportunity of the moment, we miss the opportunity of growth.

Think back to another difficult time in your life when you were waiting for it to be ‘over’. You got over it, you (hopefully), moved on. At the time you were in the middle of it, it likely felt like you might never get past it. But you did. And here you are. Still living.

If you are going through a patch like this now. Remind yourself that you can and will get through it. Years from now, when the feelings aren’t so strong, it will just be a part of your history. Something you got though and past. That made you who you are today. If you can trust that where you are now as necessary for your growth, necessary to get you to where you need to be later, it can make it easier to get through it now.

Are you wasting your time worrying? Are you feeling impatient? You know, impatience really gets you nowhere except frustrated by today. You may as well enjoy today as best as you can, or do something today to get you closer to a resolution to your ‘problem’, because tomorrow will be here and gone quicker than you think. You may as well be ready and open for new things and changes.

What are you waiting for? Too often people wait for “something to happen”, or some external catalyst before they do what they feel drawn to do. It happens all the time. I will be happy when I get in a relationship, out of this relationship, a different job etc. Why wait?

Why not take a bit of control of your own situation and get happy while waiting for “that thing” to happen.

For example, if your “waiting” of choice is losing weight, as in “I will be happy when I lose weight” …why not go for a walk, get on a treadmill, do something to activate yourself and feel good. Be happy with what you can do today. If you had started in January, you’d almost be there already!

If it has to do with that realationship, what are you waiting for? If you want one and are feeling blocked, what is blocking you? Maybe it has more to do with your attitude and who you are chosing than it does with ‘who’ is available ‘out there’.

What can you do for you, in the meantime to make yourself happy? Trust me, you won’t find happiness in a relationship if you are miserable to begin with.

Same with if you are waiting for a relationship to end before you can be happy. What are you waiting for? There are choices. Whatever you chose, take responsiblity for it. Either leave and start living your life the way you want it, or stay and change yourself and your attitude. It really is that simple.

First you need to decide. The deciding is the hard part. Then you need to ‘do’. Doing is easy once you’ve decided. The Universe and your own energies will support you once you’ve decided.

If you do nothing, you are making a decision. The decision to do nothing. With that decision comes feelings of being stuck.

Remember time goes quickly these days. Whatever changes you need to make, or whatever it is that you feel drawn to do will be over and done with and you will be living your new life sooner than you think.

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