That is so true.  Often, we know that something is not good for us but we just can’t seem to let go of it.  This applies to people, jobs, attitudes, past hurts, excess weight, the list is endless.

We do have ultimate control over our own lives, but sometimes our brain takes over and we repeat thoughts and feelings over and over in our head.  We know we should be affirming something else for ourselves, we know that we should let go, but we just can’t seem to do it. 

So, how do you begin to let go.

The first thing you need to do is recognize that there is a need to let something go.  If there is anything in your life that is causing you pain, it needs to be let go of – life is not meant to be painful.

Secondly, you need to realize that it is not an easy thing to let go of something that has been in your life a long time.  It becomes a part of who we are.  There is no sense in engaging in negative self-talk.  You are human after all and your habits become your reality.  So, stop telling yourself you are stupid or weak for not being able to do it easily.

The third step involves just being willing to give something up.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that right this second, you are going to give up something that you have been experiencing for a long time, but you need to be willing to give it up.  If you have the same thoughts running through your head over and over again, just affirm that you are willing to try to think different things.  

Which brings us to the fourth step.  You don’t have to let go all at once.   With some things, what happens is that if you try and do it all at one time, and you find yourself faltering, you tell yourself that you just aren’t good enough, or just can’t do it, and you give up. 

The fifth step is to realize that it is okay to ask for help to move on.  When you find that you are obsessing over something, ask for help.  Whether it be through prayer or asking your guides, or God, Angels, Ascended Masters, or whoever you believe is there to help you.  You don’t always have to start out with an action.  You can start out with an intention.   Just as your mind can keep you stuck with something in an endless loop, it can also be used to unstick you.  Thoughts become things. 

Once you have recognized the need to let go; accepted that you are ‘normal’ and ‘human’ and have stopped putting yourself down; and affirming that you are willing to give it up; start to slowly let go, one day, one step at a time; and learn to ask for help when you feel like you just can’t do it alone; you will be well on your way to letting go and moving on with the more enjoyable parts of your life.

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