Hello everyone,

Its been a long time since I have done a blog post.  I will likely have a new one up in a day or two.

In the meantime I just thought I’d touch base with a couple of updates.

I was a little ill in June and got somewhat behind on things, between that and school field trips with my son.  I did manage to get a newsletter out in June though which you will have gotten if you subscribe to it.

I’m determined to be enjoying life as I am working my butt off, so I have been camping a couple of times with my family and will be going again, I have had out of town guests, and have taken some time for exercise (no where near enough) and spending time outside, a couple of beach days, things like that.

Life is meant to be enjoyable and I have not always ‘practiced what I preach’ so I’m working on it.

At the beginning of July I took a Reiki Level I class with www.dreasintuition.com.  It was a lot of fun and, of course, I got my Level 1 Reiki Certification.  If you are considering taking Reiki, I highly recommend Drea as a teacher.  She is very gifted and has great energy.

I am trying to stay up to date with responding to emails and doing readings.  I had some flooding issues with my house so in-person readings have been challenging.  Phone or email psychic readings are a little easier at the moment.  My home is sometimes a busy place and finding a good space to meet with people can be a bit of a challenge (not insurmountable though).

I have also been taking a lot of training.  Its like I can’t get enough of reading and listening and learning right now.  I find that with learning life gets a little bit more exciting too.

I will also be doing up a page on my website for any of you who may be interested in being coached/mentored/trained by me.  Hopefully it will be up in the next week or two.

Here is a testamonial from Drea (the person I took Reiki from), on her experience working with me as a coach/mentor.

“I started Tamara’s coaching program in the spring of 2009 and it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life.  Prior to starting my sessions with her, I was living a completely different life.  I was unhappy, unfulfilled and I didn’t know the direction my life was taking.  Tamara gave me many tools to help me clear stuck energy from the past as well as tools to help me develop the intuitive gifts that I have.  Today I am living my life with purpose, passion and I feel truly blessed to be able to help others do the same.  Thank you Tamara!  ”


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