Who do you let into your space? Not just your home or physical space, but into your emotional, energetic space? Do they prop you up, or do they drain you?
If you want to be successful in any aspect of your life, you need to surround yourself with your fans. This doesn’t mean that everyone in your circle of family or friends needs to worship the ground you walk on, or even agree with everything that you do.
What it does mean is that you need to remove people from your life that are constantly bringing you down. When you are surrounded by people that say “You can’t do that”, or “You are doing that wrong”, or “what a stupid idea”, or “You need to do this instead of that”; it can suck the inspiration right out of you.
To be successful in anything, you need to have a cheering section, not a jeering section. Every time someone says something negative about your ideas, or your inspirations, it puts a little thought in your head that maybe you can’t do it, or maybe your idea wasn’t as good as you thought it was.
You need to stop letting people like this into your life. Take a close look. If there are people in your life that you simply cannot avoid, (more your perception than fact) that are not helping to make you feel good about you, at the very least, please use a bit of energy work to block their energy. Best case scenario though is to avoid them altogether.
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