Are you being honest with yourself? Are you being true to yourself? I mean really really honest?
As much as the energy has shifted yet again in the past few weeks and many of you are moving forward with your lives and new experiences, a lot of people are still feeling stuck in so many areas. You may be pretending that everything is okay, but deep inside things just don’t feel right. If you are feeling stuck, even a little bit, then please read on.
You are feeling stuck because you are not trusting your intuition. You likely have had some really good ideas, and really good fantasies about what you want your life to look like. The thing is, you are not acting on any of it. You are stuck in fear. You may post inspirational things on facebook, or tell your friends that life is great, but you don’t really FEEL it.
You think that ‘fake it till you make it’ works. In some cases it does, but only if it is followed by good feelings and some action. If you constantly focus on what is not in your life, and you keep doing the same things (actions), every day, then you aren’t really faking it till you make it anyway. You are just faking it. Every time you post something positive on social media, if you cannot bring yourself to believe it, you are actually sabotaging yourself. You post it, then think “if only this was real and I really felt this way”. By doing it that way, you are basically affirming that you are not there yet.
There is zero point to posting something positive if you feel negative, or being ‘fake’ online and pretending to be something you are not. It creates distance between you and others, and can also create a distance between you and your own higher self. Not saying that if you are having a negative emotion or experience that you need to wallow in it, or focus on it (unless that is what you chose to do – sometimes acknowledging it can help clear it). How about focusing on feeling a little better. There is nothing wrong with saying “I feel like crap, but I know it will pass”. There is nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it. The only error is in being UNTRUE. You feel the discord of the untruth within you. Those you come into contact with can feel the untruth. Not being true to yourself just creates that much more distance between what you want and what you have.
You need an affirmation you can believe. If you just fake it, then the energy behind it will hinder not help you. You need to come up with things that you can believe. It is better to start small with something you can believe, than to start with big things that have you affirming backwards. “I know one day I will feel better”. “My life has always been my CHOICE, I take responsibility for that, and know I can change it”. “If things are not as I want them to be, it is up to me to change them, God, please help me feel better so I can make these changes, even little ones”. These are all things you could say to yourself to get yourself to where you want to be.
It is time to let yourself be. Be you. Make changes, make moves, get rid of old stuff that is no longer serving your highest and best good. Sometimes you can’t tell if you are just dreaming or if maybe it really is doable. This is where trusting your intuition comes in. You need to be able to discern what is really being shared with you via Universal Energy. If you have a dream, and it won’t go away, and the dream feels good, chances are it is a really good first step for you.
There are no 100% guarantees in life, except that if you do not consciously make a change, then either nothing will change, or things will change in a way that you do not want them to. You have ultimate control over what happens to you and how you deal with it. Don’t let fear stop you. You made it this far. You have had other changes in your life that were likely scary and you made it through. Be true to yourself, stop faking life and start living it.
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