“Your thoughts create your feelings. Change your thoughts, your feelings will change.”
Did you know that over 95% of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday and will have tomorrow? That is a lot of repetition. Repetition creates habits, beliefs, and the way our life looks.
Our thoughts are energy. Many of you reading this have a basic understanding that our thoughts create our reality. Unfortunately for many, most of your thoughts are just habitual and have no awareness to them. You wake up, have the same thought you had yesterday, and begin to create the same type of day today, that yesterday was.
Anything you think in any given moment is impacting how you feel. If you think a good thought, you have a good feeling. If you think a negative thought, you have a negative feeling.
What you are feeling in any given moment is what is going to create your life for you. If you are feeling lethargic, bored or overwhelmed, chances are you are not going to engage in things that make you happy.
If you are feeling perky, energetic and optimistic, you are going to create a day that contains happiness and enables you to do things you enjoy.
If you are feeling down, the best thing you can do for yourself is to keep trying to change your thoughts to better ones. You don’t need to go from being depressed to being ecstatic, but you can go from depression to hopefulness ~ just by changing your thoughts.
Even with really bad stuff, or stuff from the past, it is your focus on them that creates stress or angry/depressed feelings.
Some people will get stuck on something that happened long ago, or stuck on not feeling 100% perfect health. They keep thinking about being sick, or about how they were ‘wronged’ in the past. This perpetuates a loop in thinking. The more you loop in your negative thoughts the worse you feel. It can be easy to spiral downward from there.
If you find yourself thinking about something and you are not feeling good, then it is imperative that you think about something else. And YES, it IS possible. If you cannot find anything in your life to feel good about, or feel gratitude about (most of you can), then get yourself out into nature and really connect with it. Sit in the grass, or on a park bench and really observe the beauty that surrounds you. Look at bugs, look at trees, look at a leaf, look at the perfection in the creations of the Universe. You cannot focus on something amazing and awe inspiring and focus on ‘problems’ and what is bothering you at the same time.
Physically smiling, or walking with your head up, looking up and far into the distance can change brain chemistry and help you feel better.
As for thoughts creating reality. If I was focused on being unhappy, or on things in my life that were not working out very well, (and yes there are some), I would not be able to write this. I cannot write inspiring notes when I am depressed. It does not flow the same way for me. I only write when I can be my authentic self, my connected self.
Trying to write positive and uplifting posts when I am unhappy or overwhelmed doesn’t work. It just frustrates me more. Trying to write or be creative when overwhelmed is like herding cats. Almost impossible.
This is how thoughts create your reality. If you focus on “overwhelmed”, you just get more and more overwhelmed and the less you get done and the more it seems lands on your plate. You know what you want from/in your life, but it seems so elusive. Just try relaxing your mind and your body. “Trying to make it happen”, can be your biggest block. Sometimes you simply cannot make things happen. It is too often dependent on other people.
Try and relax. Focus your thoughts on things that make you happy or relax you. If you think about those things, you will find yourself feeling more happy and relaxed. You may find yourself saying “yes, but this thing!!!!”. “This thing”, isn’t going anywhere, stop thinking about it.
If you keep thinking about it and feeling badly, it will NEVER resolve itself. It will hang on, kicking and screaming all the way. No amount of thinking about how it could go wrong, or how badly you feel will help. The only thing that will help is being in a state where you are relaxed enough to allow your inspiration and divine guidance to flow.
Once you are there, in a happy spot, and your inspiration and flow start, YOU HAVE TO ACT ON THEM. As much as it is important to ‘go with the flow’ of positive thoughts and feelings, when you are in this state if you get INSPIRED to do something, then do it. If you do not follow your inspiration and begin to CREATE with it, then you are not allowing your positive thoughts and feelings to create for you. You may end up just saying, “Well, that was nice, I felt good for a bit, but now I just feel crappy again because nothing has changed”.
Often “nothing has changed” because you have not taken it that next step further and changed anything. In order for your thoughts and creation to come to fruition, you actually have to act on the inspired thoughts that you get. Remember, most of the thoughts you had yesterday are the same as today. You need to get yourself past that. Act on your inspired thoughts with inspired action. The inspired action, will bring new thoughts, new inspiration, new creations, new life.
That is the first step in changing or creating anything in your life. Changing thoughts, feeling better, getting inspired, taking inspired action, creating new thoughts, new life situations.
You can do this!
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A much needed reminder. Thank you.
You are very welcome Pauline
Sometimes I need to remind myself too and it comes out in a blog post!!