I wrote a blog post last week about getting out of your comfort zone.  If you can’t think of anything different to do, here are some simple ways to get started.

1.  Talk to someone you wouldn’t normally talk to.  In a line up while shopping, at an event, someone you see in the course of your day but don’t talk to.

2.  Take a class in something that you would normally never consider.  This works in more ways than one.  It will get you out of the habit of doing what you usually do, and it will also help you with #1 on this list.

3.  Read a book that is completely different than anything you have ever read before ~ be open to the concepts it shares.  We tend to only read things we are interested in.  If once in a while you read something outside of your regular genre it switches up your energy and/or can just give you a different perspective.

4.  Let one of your friends or your spouse plan a day or night out.  Ask them to use their imagination to do something different or to surprise you.

5.  Go to a Toastmasters meeting and speak in front of people you don’t know.

6.  If you have created something (a picture, writing, video), post it online where people can see it and even critique it.

7.  Write down some of your hopes and dreams.  Let them get really big.  Bazillionaire big.

8.  If you normally go to bed early stay up late, even if its just watching late-night television.  Let yourself sleep in without an alarm.  Or if you normally go to bed late, go to bed early and see the dawn (and maybe even go for a walk before the sun is completely up).  Your neighbourhood in the morning will feel very different to you.

9. Go two weeks without using anything but cash.  We have become so dependent on debit and credit cards that we lose track of what we spend.  Knowing what you are really spending will help stretch that comfort zone.

10. Say no, or say yes.  If you are normally a very busy person and regularly do things for others whether you have the time or not, say “no” next time someone asks you to do them a favour.  Even if you say “No I can’t I’m busy”, and then just take some time for yourself to relax.
Or if you usually say No when someone asks you to do something you’ve never done before or go somewhere you have never been, say Yes, and give it a try.

Move out of your Comfort Zone


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