We all go through challenging times, me too.  This week has been somewhat challenging for me and I know that my thoughts will help to create my feelings and my feelings will help create my reality.

Thoughts, intentions, feelings ~ they are all energy.  We truly do attract into our lives what we are vibrating.  Sometimes when I find myself worrying or thinking about something I will make a conscious effort to change my vibration.

I would like to know that whatever is ‘on its way’ is better than what I am in the process of going through right this minute.  I know that if I lower my vibration I will just create more of the same ‘stuff’.

Feel good now

These are the ways that I use to get into a better mood

1.  I (always) stop thinking about things I can do nothing about.  There are a lot of things I can do, but there are a lot of things that are simply beyond my scope of control.  If I keep thinking about them it just makes me more depressed.

2.  I sometimes will listen to (or read) Esther Hicks channeling Abraham.

3.  I will sometimes go for a walk.

4.  Sometimes, if I am feeling particularly stressed and am having a hard time getting out of my head, I will just go to sleep.

5.  I will listen to a meditation that I need to follow along with in my head.  Hard to follow along and think about something else at the same time.

6.  This is one I do OFTEN.  I will write myself a list of things to do that will get me closer to what it is I want.  I wrote such a list last night, and today I have been going through this list.  If you do this, keep the list simple.  If you put too much on it you won’t do any of it.  My list for today had only 4 things on it.  There are many more things I want to do and that I probably will do today, but focusing specifically on this list keeps me from thinking about challenges.

7. Sometimes I will go out with a friend.  I am thoughtful with this one though.  If I think that by spending time with someone else will get me talking about what I DON’T want or having me focus on the ‘problems’ I have, then I make sure I spend time alone.

What do you do to feel better when you are in an uncomfortable mood or going through a challenging time?

Leave me a comment, I’d love to hear from you.

If you find that you need more guidance than I have shared in this post, you can book a psychic reading here.

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