Okay, I know I have written about gratitude two days in a row already, but I want to share something really neat with you.

I have been going through a little bit of financial pressure lately.  I am working quite a bit lately and we also have a construction company that my husband runs.  I was sick for around two months last year and could not work.  The construction side of things was also somewhat slow last year and we had a couple of huge unexpected bills present to us.  We have gotten behind in a lot of stuff.  And I mean REALLY behind.  I have been working more than ever, which is good.  Nothing like a little financial pressure to get you off your butt and working harder.  🙂

I happen to believe 100% of everything I write, and I know and trust that everything will work out eventually.  I’m going to be 49 this year and I have been through tough times before (lots of them ~ a long story). Every single time things have gotten really hard for me it has inspired some sort of change in my life.  I don’t always know what that change will be but I do know it will be okay.  One change I am observing right now is the amount of work I am doing and how I am doing it.  I am seriously motivated and inspired!

This is my 38th day of writing a blog post a day.  I have never shared so much all in a row.  The coolest thing for me is that I really do embrace ALL of what I write.  I don’t write theory, I don’t write stuff that I read somewhere and recycle to share with you.  I write what I know.  I have been aware of and worked with energy my whole life, and I have seen it work miracles.  I have many times in my life thought I was “magic”, because of what seemed to materialize for me out of nowhere.

Gratitude Works

A Personal Story of my Most Recent Miracle

So here is a personal story that I wanted to share with you.  On Wednesday, I wrote a blog post about practicing gratitude and shared it.  Then later that day, I wrote a follow-up post about practicing gratitude that I was planning on posting and sharing on Thursday morning.

As I said, we are very behind on a lot of bills.  I still owed $405.00 for my son’s enrolment in soccer last year.  $475 was due in August 2014, and over the past few months I had only mustered up paying $70 towards it.  I felt horrible when I thought about it, so I only thought about it once in a while.  I focused mostly on just keeping a roof over our heads and food on the table and such.  The year before we had made enough money that we actually sponsored the whole soccer team for 50% of the cost of their jerseys AND paid my son’s fees.  I know that this financial setback won’t stay forever, I am just staying positive and grateful.  I focus on what makes me happy knowing darn well that it works.  And knowing that I also need to work. (NO sitting around doing nothing and hoping and “Manifesting“, its time for action!)

As I wrote above EVERY SINGLE TIME in my life that I have had a setback, it has somehow worked out.  EVERY TIME.  So, on Wednesday night my son was at soccer practice and I was just getting ready to go and pick him up.  Grateful that he was still playing at all.  Holding that space of gratitude and trust that I always hold when I am not focusing on what I don’t want.

My phone rings and it is the Football (Soccer) office.  She says “Hi there, I have something to tell you.  A man walked into the office this evening and asked if there were any parents who were having difficulties paying for their kids soccer.”

Then she says, “I told him yes, and he paid your soccer fees, it is all taken care of for you”.

I burst out crying.  Some RANDOM stranger walks into the soccer office and pays the fees for my son’s soccer!!  An anonymous stranger!!! Out of the blue!

All I can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to whoever this random stranger is.  I was grateful two days ago and now I have yet more to be grateful for!

If that isn’t a miracle, an Angel being sent to help me out I don’t know what is.


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