I had a totally different (logical) idea for a blog post when I first woke up this morning. One that went along with the trend from this week about vibrations. That one is going to have to wait though because I really feel a pull to write about something else today.
That’s what often happens to me when I write. Most of my writing is inspired by source and flows through me. It often feels more like the writing is happening on its own and I’m just along for the ride. Blog posts for me are much like doing readings. I write for you, and I trust that if I am being directed to write something different that means it is something that you need today.
Keep Going ~ You’ve Got This!
Life is a process. I have done no less than 4 email readings in the past week where people are questioning whether or not they should just give up or let go of what it is they have wanted to do. If you are reading this, then this post is for you and your answer is “You need to give it a little more time”.
Very few things that are worth doing and growing are going to happen overnight. You need to be able to trust. Impatience is a dream killer.
You Need to Decide
Are you going to do this or not? Do you have what it takes? Can you do this and carry on until you make it? It is your decision to make, but if you don’t decide it will not happen. If you think to yourself. Maybe this would be a good idea. Could I make money at this? Will this make me happy? Maybe I will stick my toe in and see what its like. I’m not sure if this is for me, but I will give it a try and if it takes off right away I will do it; if it doesn’t then I will throw in the towel.
If this is your thinking … stop now. You won’t bother to…..
Take Some Action ~ Do What it Takes to Get What You Want!
If you don’t do something, then nothing is going to happen for you. I am not saying that you do useless things just for the sake of doing something, but you need to take some inspired action.
As an example: I DECIDED I was going to write a blog post every day.
When I am going to write, I don’t “wait for inspiration” to hit and then sit and write. I sit and start writing and let the inspiration flow. There have been many times when I have sat down and not known what was going to come through me. BUT ~ I sat down at my computer. I started, I did something!
There are other times when I am just going through my day, feeling good, and BAM. Inspiration slaps me across the face and I need to stop what I’m doing and sit and write. I have written blog posts on receipts and business cards and on my hand. I have written at soccer games, in the truck while my husband is driving; I have taken a break in the middle of mowing my lawn to come in and write out a post.
You need to act when the inspiration hits you. It doesn’t always last. If you ‘wait until’ (you have more money, more time, more inspiration, more support from family), then you lose the momentum of what inspired you.
If money is what seems to be blocking you over and over again, then you need to do what you need to do to bring in money so that you have it when you need it. (see above: Do what it takes to get what you want). You may need to work for someone else for a while, or you may need to keep doing everything you can that doesn’t cost you anything ~ if its bringing you closer to your dream then do it!
If its your family or people around you that seem to be blocking you, stop telling them what you are going to do, and just do it. If you do what you say you are going to do (even if you just say it to yourself), you won’t have this problem.
If you have a dream or a business and you are working on it every day and allowing things to flow and nothing has happened yet, don’t give up. Everything takes time. I totally understand that it can get discouraging, but you can’t let yourself stay discouraged. When you look around you at successful people they all have one thing in common. They didn’t give up. It looks like they ‘made it overnight’, but years of work went into what they have.
You need to show up for your life so your life can show up for you
Sometimes the reason that things feel like they aren’t moving fast enough is because you just aren’t showing up. Are you getting up early and getting to work? Do you think about what you want? Do you tell yourself, I don’t know exactly how this will work out, but it will work out. Do you put in the time and the effort?
A lot of what I have written so far is about work life, but this really applies to every part of your life. This post also applies to ….
Your health, your relationships, all of it.
If you want to be more fit are you showing up for workouts? If you want a better relationship are you showing up for your spouse? If you want your kids to behave themselves are you showing up for them? Are you showing up for yourself?
Have you made any decisions? If so, what do you do EVERY DAY to get you closer to the fulfillment of your dreams? Leave me a comment, I’d love to hear it.
As I wrote above, You’ve got this. You can do it. You don’t need to give up on your dreams. Sometimes you may need to work harder than you thought you would; or you will need to be more patient than you thought you could be; but you really can make your dreams come true if you stay the course and don’t give up.
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Yes I can do it!
I can do it!
Awesome post. The last four or five days have been so ULTRA busy for me, that I actually haven’t had time to start writing my daily blog post until 3am in the morning!!! Most people would just make the excuse that there’s no point trying to write a post at that time, and would just go to bed.
However, at the beginning of this year I *DECIDED* that I would write a Blog post every day, and I’m not allowed to go to bed until I do so.
Is it EASY to stick to a decision like this? NO. It’s not. Because shit from “real life” always seems to come up. However, the cool thing is that once you make the decision that you’re going to do it, then at least you’re not expanding energy anymore towards trying to DECIDE if you’re going to do it or not.
And the crazy thing is that we don’t even realize how much of our energy goes into INDECISION. See, now when I finally DO have time to sit down to write my blog post – even at 3am – I don’t spend ANY energy or time debating whether I should write a post or not. I just do it!
Contrast that with my other “goal” of losing weight and getting in shape, where I haven’t actually yet DECIDED to do it, and in that area of my life I am not making any progress at all…why? Because things are coming up, but in reality I just haven’t decided yet. 🙂
DECISION is so powerful.
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