Most of you who are reading this are reading this because you are open to learning new things.  Many of you are avid readers and read things online and in books.  Some of you take lots of training courses, and are in a state of constantly learning.

This is fantastic.  I am always wanting to learn new things as well.  I’ve taken classes in Reiki, and Matrix Energetics, Shamanism, Angel Card Reading, etc. etc. etc.  I have always done readings but it is fascinating to me to learn more about other modalities as well.  I find that most of them do tend to blend together and they all have similarities in the way that they work with the Quantum Field of infinite possibilities.

I’ve also taken classes in web design and more computer classes than I can list here (and I’m still not an expert!!).  I read every day, I watch webinars, take seminars to learn business as well as energy.  I’m always involved in something.

Sometimes you just have to DO IT though!

As much as I have taken all those classes, I still consistently work with and use what I have learned.  I don’t use everything that I for work purposes, some I just learn for fun, but when it comes to most of what I learn, I take the time to implement it.

You need to do that too.  Its great that you want to learn, but if you don’t use it then what is the point?

Don’t get stuck in a spiral of needing to keep learning before you do something with what you have learned.  You will likely not become an expert at 100% of the new things you learn, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play with it a bit.

learning vs doing

I find that what happens for a lot of you is that you learn and learn, and want to learn more, suck it up like a sponge, and then say “I’ll use it later”  or “one day”.  You won’t ever get anywhere if you don’t take some action at some point and actually use what you know.

For me, my delay is usually with implementing new business practices.  Because I work with energy every day, sometimes sitting down at my computer and doing ‘techie’ work just doesn’t appeal to me.  The thing is though, I take classes on this stuff.  I attend webinars and I read books.  I need to remind myself that I “know enough” to get started.  I can have ‘perfectionist’ tendencies just like everyone else and I need to push myself as well.

Sometimes good enough is good enough.  You need to get moving.  If you don’t use some of what you know, its useless.  You don’t need to be an expert, or turn it into a business, but give it a try.  You took the time to learn it, maybe it will be fun.  Besides if you don’t ever practice it, it will be no use to you.

You don’t even need to use what you have learned for anything specific, but do use it.  If you go and learn Reiki for example, you don’t need to find a family member with a health problem to help.  You can use it on yourself for a ‘general’ healing and notice how you feel; or do Reiki on your pets and see how they respond.

You need to practice what you’ve learned and you need to use it.  Play with it.  Don’t take it too seriously.  Don’t be afraid to do something new with what you’ve learned.  Our world needs people who are willing to get off the sidelines and DO what they are capable of doing.  And you won’t know just how capable you are until you try!


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