Sometimes I think our entire world is insane. We have a small number of people on this planet that are trying to control the masses by keeping them unaware of how quantum reality really works.
From birth we are bombarded with messages that we have no control over anything. That people are out to get us (think about the Middle East, Survivor, Big Brother etc.). That we need to do as they say, we need protection. We hear on the news how bad things are and that we are powerless to do anything about it.
Some of us are lucky enough to have parents that taught us differently (or these days, access to blogs like this), that teach us we do have some control over our own circumstances.
Some people use Albert Einstein’s quote as the definition of insanity “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
Technically speaking, that is not the definition of insanity.
According to Ryan Howes PhD, in an article published on “Psychology Today”:
“To be clear, insanity is a legal term pertaining to a defendant’s ability to determine right from wrong when a crime is committed. Here’s the first sentence of’s lengthy definition:
Insanity. n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.”
According to this definition (and Einstein’s definition). Most of you are insane.
According to many folks, I would be considered insane, but for different reasons than ‘the masses’ would be insane.
We are not taught What IS, We are taught what they want us to learn
As I wrote above there are certain people in this world that do not want us to know our own power. We are taught from a young age what to think, how to think, whether or not we should even bother to think (or just follow along).
Now, THAT is insane. We are being treated like rats in a cage. Its unfortunate that so many of the rats in the cage have just rolled over and taken what is given to them as gospel.
So back to the definition of insanity, mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.
So, what is fantasy and what is reality? Many would have you believe that talking to dead people and psychic abilities are ‘fantasy’. However, if you have had experience with this, you know its not. You have experienced it. Most of you who have had psychic experiences do not exhibit uncontrollable or impulsive behaviour due to this “fantasy”.
The way I see it. The BS we are being force-fed from birth is the fantasy
We are told we must go to school to learn what they want us to learn, and that’s it. There are books going back more than a hundred years (that I have read, I’m sure there are ancient texts as well that I have not been privy to) that acknowledge quantum reality, and some of it has now been PROVEN in scientific experiments, but it is still not being taught in school. NOT TAUGHT. Our children are being taught incomplete and inaccurate science. (not to mention all the other political crap, but maybe that would just make this post too long).
We are trained, via television, our parents, our schools, society in general that we must consume. That we have no personal power, we have no control. No control over what we ingest (we are addicted to booze, drugs, sugar, bread), no control over how we feel (people make us feel, we don’t have any responsibly for our own feelings), no control over what we are supposed to spend money on (Keeping up with the Jones’), where we live, or what we do for work, our happiness, our debt, what car we drive, what clothes we wear, nothing.
Our lives are lived on auto-pilot with no awareness of how we are being programmed.
Now back to our definition of insanity: mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.
Those bolded parts are what I want to point out to you. Every time you say “someone made me feel”, “its not my fault“, eat too much, go shopping when you have no money, get drunk, buy more house than you can afford, buy a car that takes you more than 3 years to pay off, get addicted to something, YOU ARE INSANE.
You have allowed yourself to be on auto-pilot, you have relinquished all control over to the ‘programming’ you’ve been subjected to, you are no longer able to feel your own strength, and the worst part is that now that its been pointed out to you, you think there is nothing you can do about it.
That could not be farther from the truth. You could start out with one little tiny realization. Thoughts are things. Thoughts have energy behind them, and they are the beginning stages of every manifestation you will ever have in your life. Thoughts create your feelings, and if you feel lousy, it is TOTALLY, 100% because of the thoughts you are allowing yourself to have.
You can control your thoughts. You have been told that you can’t (see above about what we are taught in school), but you most certainly can. Just STOP IT.
“I’m feeling hurt” ~ okay, think of anything else (preferably something you like) for 67 seconds (or 5 minutes), and if you allow your energy to follow your new thought, you won’t feel hurt anymore. That’s it, it really is that easy.
Ditto for “I can’t do the job I want, earn the money I want, lose the weight I want etc”. You need to change your thoughts so your energy can change. Once your energy changes in these situtations you will be able to listen to your inspiration/intuition.
Remember, you have been programmed. Programmed to be powerless. Programmed to be INSANE (according to the legal definition). Think about that one for a while.
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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