When working on manifesting in your life, you need to set your intention and then let go and let the universe do its job.  Intention is everything.

In your asking, you are already in the process of creating what you want.  A lot of people will tell you that you need to look at a vision board over and over, and say affirmations over and over, but this will only work for some of you.  Why?  Because if you do not hold the belief that you are a creator, and if you find your energy going a place of lack when you look at your board, or affirm positive things, you will essentially be focusing on the exact opposite of what you want.

see it when you belive it

There is a big difference between Belief and Hope

If you truly believe that you are a creator and can use the Law of Attraction to get what you want, you won’t be constantly focusing on what is missing in your life.  You will know that you can write something down, or intend for something to happen, without timeframes or dictating where it will come from or how it will happen, and you will sit back and wait.  You will vibrate patience because you know it is on the way.  You know that every time you focus on the lack of what you intend to have (impatience, upset), you send it farther away.  So you trust and wait and know.  How long to wait?  As long as it takes for your vibration to catch up to your intention.

If you just Hope that the Law of Attraction works, you will be in a constant state of doubt (maybe even just subconsciously), that you can actually create what you want.  When you do this, every time you focus on what you want, your limiting beliefs or subconscious programs will remind you that you don’t have it.  Then your focus will be on NOT having it.  You will look at your vision board and think about what you want, and then after you stop looking, you will go back to your old vibration of “here are pictures of things I don’t have”.  Or with affirmations, you will look in the mirror and maybe you can say to yourself “I love you”, but really your subconscious beliefs are screaming at you “Wow, do you ever have bad skin” (or whatever else you rake yourself over the coals for).

You need to align what you want with your vibration.  If you cannot look in the mirror and say “I love you”, can you sit down with a pen and paper and write out one (or 10) things that you can at least like about yourself?  That would be your best place to start in this case.  If you can’t believe it, then when you affirm it, you will just be affirming the opposite.  You need to start where you are at.  And if where you are at is in just with small things then start there.  As you get better and better at the small things, you will expand your energy to the bigger things.  Don’t get ahead of yourself or you will just set yourself back to step one.



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