It is Solstice tomorrow!  The energies this week have been all over the map.  I have been absolutely swamped with work!  This is a good thing, I love my job.  So many of you are feeling like something is just different.
That is because things are different.  We have had Solar Flares this week which impact our energy a lot.  We are in the process of getting a lot of downloads of light leading up to the solstice and it will continue for a few days afterwards.  There have been times over the past few days where I feel as if I have had about 45 cups of coffee; everything is vibrating so quickly and so intensely.

Our manifestations are happening more and more quickly.  Some of you are still working on ‘healing’, some have realized they are whole and complete just as they are, and are working on holding their light and their vibration.

If you have time this weekend to celebrate solstice then take it.  If you don’t, then at least try and do a meditation tomorrow ~ remembering to focus on what you would like to see manifest for yourself.  Myself, I am taking the weekend off (first weekend off in quite a few) and will be spending time in nature ~ grounding myself in my bare feet and appreciating all that Mother Earth has to offer.

If you are in the midst of any problems or “energetic tornados” just remember it is temporary and it will serve to propel you forward, give you new experiences and move you into a new space.  Sometimes when we are getting ready to move into our new spaces the old space has to experience upheaval or sometimes even complete destruction.

Just keep your vibration high and remember, you are creating this.  The more you can ‘go with the flow’ and know this is a part of your next steps to where you want to be, the better you will feel and the more positive your manifestations will be in the meantime.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Much Love


If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

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