We are in the middle of a heat wave. We have had very little rain all year, just a few millimetres in the past couple of months. The forecast is for hot and sunny weather for at least another 10 days (over 30 degrees Celsius). Our grass is getting quite brown, as is the grass all over the city.
On a positive note, we haven’t had to mow the lawn in about 6 weeks. Our weeds are growing really well too. We have black berries, and dandelions, and hundreds of other species in our yard. We used to try and get rid of them, but what I have learned over the past 5 years, is that the ‘weeds’ that grow the most, that are the hardest to kill, have the most amazing and wonderful healing properties. God sure knows what he is doing. The most healing ‘weeds’ are the ones that seem to grow and flourish even in the most difficult conditions. So this year we have left our yard to do what it wants. If I am looking for a healing plant, all I need do is go out into the yard and it is probably there (with the exception of comfrey ~ I haven’t found any of that out there yet).
It is my husband’s birthday today, and as I mentioned it is really hot. Which brings me to the title of this post. I am leaving the weeds. I am leaving some of my work.
We live in such a fast-paced society today. Do you ever let yourself relax? I try and take my own advice, I can be really good at relaxing sometimes. Other times I am a “Type A”, workaholic and won’t take time off for days (or weeks).

What in your life can you leave for a while just so you can have some time for yourself?
You really need to learn to relax. There is no sense in pushing yourself when it is not absolutely required of you. Yes, there are things that must be done. For me today, it is taking the time to write this post, and earlier today I cut my dogs’ hair. They were getting pretty hot and I decided that looks weren’t everything, they needed some relief. That is pretty much the extent of what I must do today.
I have been very busy with clients but I did schedule it so that I had this weekend off ~ did I mention it was my husband’s birthday today? 🙂 I will be spending some time with him of course ~ probably relaxing in the yard with a cerveza or two.
So for this weekend, take care of what you need to take care of, but really, leave the rest. Time goes by anyway, and life is meant to be happy and enjoyable. There is no sense in stressing yourself out worrying about things you can’t do anything about, or pushing yourself to do things that don’t need to be done ~ not this weekend anyway.
The planetary energy of the weekend is really in support of you taking some time for yourself and just “being“. You may have felt it already; if you feel like you have a list of things you should do, but that are not that important, and if you feel a pull to just relax, or meditate or read, then you are feeling the planetary energies.
Listen to these energies, don’t fight them, go with the flow. You will have more up and at ’em energy next week, now is not the time to push through with anything unnecessary. Pushing through and just getting it done and over with has a really good chance of backfiring anyway. If you just push through with unnecessary things this weekend, you may find that whatever it is ends up needing to be redone next week (or that by waiting two days there will be an easier way to do it or it will resolve itself).
Hoping you listen to your intuition and go with the flow of the energy and have a fantastic weekend.
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
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