We don’t always all have the same truth.  Everything is a matter of perspective.  I think the world is getting better, that is my perspective.  I know a lot of people who think it is getting worse, that is their perspective.

We get what we are vibrating.  We get what we expect to see.  If you think someone is lying, or if you think someone (or the world), is “out to get you”, then you will find that they are.  You will find it, because that is your truth.  You will continually find examples of it wherever you go.

Two people can hear the exact same thing and have completely different responses to it.  Your response to what you hear ALWAYS will reflect your vibration.  Neither is lying, they just have different perspectives.

creating my own reality

Thoughts are Things

Wherever you go, you bring your vibration with you.

No matter what you are feeling, running away while continuing that feeling will just give you more of the same.  Whether it is related to homes, jobs, relationships, or other spaces.  You need to take care of your own vibration first, and then make your moves.

Clean up your own vibration, then decide whether to move on or not.  Trust that once you feel better, you will make a decision whether to stay or go (from any type of situation) ~ from a good space.  That will enable you to move into a space that is more comfortable instead of more of the same.

This video by Esther Hicks channeling Abraham is a really good example of this.  The specifics are regarding divorce (which I know a lot of you could use), however, they relate to every relationship you will have (roommates, parents, friends, clerks in the store).  It is very much worth the 12 minutes it will take you to listen to it.



If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.


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