energy alert july 22 2015Okay, so the intense energies are continuing for just a bit longer.  I have observed something today and I want to share it because I think it will really help some of you.

Yesterday I wrote about Empath’s and Psychic Vampires.  What I wrote yesterday is really important today!

I’m not an astrologer, and I’m not sure what the planets are up to (aside from the Cancer/Leo transition of the sun), but holy smokes.

I have spoken to three people close to me today and they are pissed off.  They are saying “I’m not really mad but….”  But what!  Your energy is oozing anger.

I almost got sucked into their vortex this morning.  I was doing okay, working along, things are okay.  Then I talk to one person, and worry a bit.  Then another, and I think “how can I make him happy”, then another, and its like “what can I do for this person”.

Then I find myself getting all stressed out, thinking “I need to do something!  If I don’t I’m a lousy person!”

But here’s the thing.  All three of these people are angry and stressed because of someone else!

If they just went within and focused on their own now and looked at their day, they would be fine.  They would probably even be happy at the day that lays ahead for them.

I almost fell for it too!

I almost got stressed out, almost got angry and impatient.  All the while I was feeling these feelings I was focused on these other people and their stresses and how I could fix things for them.  I felt helpless to help, because they are stressed about other people in their lives.  They are so focused on others that they cannot enjoy themselves.

Thing is, there is nothing I can do for any of them.  Their stuff is their stuff and no amount of me being stressed out or “helping” is going to do a damn thing for them.  I talked to them, and now I’m not actively talking to them, and probably won’t talk to them again today, but I still found myself worried about them and thinking I needed to do something.

Talk about taking on other peoples stuff for no reason at all.  If I could help I would, but I can’t so I need to let it go.   That is what YOU need to do.  If you are feeling stressed out today, ask yourself why.  Is it even your crap to be stressed out about?  Is it something you can do anything about?  Is it your responsibility?  Can you truly ever make anyone else happy?

Maybe the people close to me that I spoke to this morning will read this (although they may not).  If they read this, then maybe they will see themselves and realize that the anger, stress, and pressure they are feeling is all about other people.  That they can’t help those other people or make them feel a certain way any more than I can help them.

There seems to be this big giant snowball effect going on.  I can feel it and I can see it everywhere.  I can tell you right now, that the buck stops here!  I will NOT take what is going to be a good day and make it crappy and spread the anger energy around for the other people in my life.

I strongly suggest that you make this decision as well.  You will have a better day, and you will be more able to spread some love and peace rather than this impatient and angry energy.

Just for the record, I am not suggesting that you be unkind.  You don’t need to abandon people if you can truly help them.  You can still say something nice to someone, smile at them, send them a nice note, let them know you care.  Just make sure you stay in your own positive energy, and spread that, rather than getting sucked into the intensity of negativity and spreading that!




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