So we have a Blue Moon in Aquarius today.  A blue moon is the second full moon in the same month, the first full moon of this month was on July 2.  This will be our last Blue Moon until 2018.  I want to do a post so you can use the energy of this Blue Moon to your advantage.

A normal full moon usually brings us in touch with our sensitivities and emotions and can help us with a surge of inner energy that can help clear out things that no longer serve us.  A Blue Moon can intensify this energy.

Things will show up for you that need to be cleared out, maybe they have been showing up for a few days now.  It could be a little intense as far as showing you what you need to get rid of in your life.  This bright Blue Moon will shine a lot of light on your life and what is working and what is not.

If you find yourself being uncomfortable about a situation, person, thing, place, feeling or anything else remember this discomfort is telling you to Clear it Out.  Not surprisingly that the Free Angel Card Reading I did at the beginning of this week showed the Clear Your Space card for this weekend.

The more discomfort you feel, the more you need to clear out what isn’t helping you.  For some of you this will be related to relationships (Venus went retrograde on July 25).

blue moon in aquarius

Think of what you have been working on or pondering the past few years, this Blue Moon has the potential to help you rid yourself of unwanted or unneeded things and propel you forward.

Release your fears and get out of your comfort zone.  You will find amazing things can and will happen if you go for it.

What is it you want from your life?  What do you want to do?  How do you want to feel?  If you could have anything what would it be, and what would your life look like?

We never get more than we can handle ~ what do you need to let go of to get that life you envision?

It will be your choice to let go or not.  Just remember sometimes these opportunities to make huge choices and changes that are so strongly supported energetically only come along once in a Blue Moon.

things will work out

On a personal note, just before I wrote this post (and before I even thought about writing this post ~ I was getting housework done before the heat comes), my doorbell rang.  It was my Jehovah Witness ladies that come along every now and again for a chat (not often, once in a Blue Moon maybe 🙂 ).

I don’t mind talking to them, they are very nice ladies.  They always leave me a copy of their two magazines and I take them and put them on my desk thinking “oh, I’ll take a look at them later, might get ideas for a blog post”.  Thing is, when I was perusing them a few months ago I noticed how horribly negative they are all the time.  The past half dozen times I’ve put them on my desk and then just ended up throwing them out because I would think “I can’t even look at those they are so negative I have to do a clearing every time I read them”. 

Today, when they came to my door, without any forethought at all when she showed me the books and went to hand them to me  I said “I can’t look at that; those magazines are so negative, how am I supposed to work with clients and spread love in my corner of the world if I read something that is spewing such negativity”. 

She was a little surprised, but she thanked me for my candor and told me she wouldn’t give them to me anymore. 

This is only a small example, but no kidding it happened just an hour before I sat down to write this post about getting rid of things.  I will NEVER again be offered a “Watchtower” or “Awake” magazine to bring into my space.  As I said, I feel like I need a clearing just by looking at them and feeling the disempowered vibration of that belief system. 

I am sure I will come across other things today to clear out and that is a good thing.  Just wanted to share a small personal example ~ everything counts.

With Love




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