We are in such a great time of creation on earth right now.  Its time to get with the program and get a plan to get this energy working for you instead of against you.

I am a big proponent of going with the flow and doing what you are inspired to do in any given moment and this really does work ~ most of the time.

For myself, I meditate at least once a day, usually twice, and sometimes even more than that.  I have been writing a blog post every day this year so far.  The more I write and share my channels and inspirations, the more inspired and the more channels I get.  This is the Law of Attraction at work!

I have opened a doorway for myself.  I set the intention to share what I know, and to share what Spirit shares with me.  Thing is, it doesn’t always come to me at a time when I have the time to sit and write.

I have so many subjects and blog posts I want to share with you, plus the energy alerts have been coming fast and furious the past few months.  There have been times when I am just sitting watching TV with my family, and I need to get up and write down a blog post for the next day.  Or we will be driving somewhere and something hits me so I write down all I can about it on my phone and email it to myself (only when I am a passenger of course).  Or, another common occurrence, is when I’m lying in bed and BAM!  Out of the blue Spirit starts sharing something with me so that I can share it with you ~ I just have to get it written down to share.

This is awesome, and I have no complaints at all.  I love the flow, the information I am getting for you (and for myself as well), and the inspiration.  It feels so good.

Thing is, I also have a lot of other projects on the go right now.  I sat down on Sunday morning last week and thought of all the things I am inspired to do.  There is so much I want to do that I actually found myself getting just a little ungrounded.

Being ungrounded when you have so much on the go can really slow you down….

sometimes you need a plan

Here is where my plan is coming in

I will share my plan with you and maybe you will be able to use aspects of it to help yourself as well.

  • The first thing I needed to do is ground my energy.
  • I can be a workaholic.  I am well aware of this fact and sometimes neglect my ‘downtime’ and my friendships.  So the second thing I did was schedule my downtime and friend visiting for the week.  I tend to make it a fairly low priority most of the time, but I know how much it can energize me to just let loose once in a while.
  • I picked what days I was going to work with clients and I blocked them out on my calendar and booked clients in.   I knew I may end up working with clients on other days as well, time permitting (see the point above about being a workaholic), but I have my ‘set’ days picked already.
  • I wrote SEVEN blog posts on Sunday last week (including this one ~ with minor edits this morning).  As much as I never seem to run out of inspiration (apparently I write as much as I talk), I now had 7 blog posts all ready to go for the week.  I will still likely do more through the week as the inspirations hit (or if I channel an energy alert, I will post it on the day I get it which I did on the New Moon), but I was now free to work on some of my other projects.  I won’t have to stop in the middle of anything else to get a blog post done.  I will likely still be emailing myself in the middle of the night with outlines, but I will be free to focus solely on my moments without worry about getting a post done.
  • I have blocked out time for other writing as well.  Whether its an inspired blog post or some work on a book, writing time is scheduled in.
  • I have  a couple of things I want and need to learn about, so I have given myself time in my plan for that too.
  • I am working on a lot of projects around the house.  I’ve scheduled in time for these projects, and time for shopping as well.  Over the past couple of weeks I have found myself starting house projects before the sun even comes up.  Something peaceful about getting started before the rest of the world.

So I now have a plan.  I made sure that I did not put MORE into my plan than any reasonable person could expect to get done.

It all started with grounding my energy.

As I wrote above I really do like to go with the flow and live in every moment and allow inspired actions to take over most of the time.  It is just in the making of the plan that enabled me to start getting things done.  I’m not one to set things in stone for myself but in not having any plan at all I was feeling very overwhelmed and ungrounded and like I would never get to everything I wanted to get to.  The Law of Attraction will help here as well.  Feeling good and knowing that I do indeed have time to do all I want to accomplish will bring me more ‘good feelings’ and more ‘accomplishment’ in my experience.

I have left lots of ‘wiggle room’ in my scheduled plan to do other things, but it turned out to be a very productive week.

If you try these tips I’d love to hear how they work for you.


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