You have ultimate control over your own life you know. You don’t really have to be controlled by anything or anyone outside of yourself.
I know that a lot of you reading this will have a list of 10 or more things that are external to yourself that you may say have some control over your life. But it simply isn’t true.
Do you wish your life was different? What is it you want? Love, happiness, money, a career, a business, better health, time, freedom? You can have it ~ really.
You may need to adjust the way you are speaking to yourself but you can have it. Everything in your life starts with a thought. The words you use in your internal dialogue is how you are thinking.
Who told you you can’t have what you want? Was it your parents, your teachers, your bosses, society, the news?
Think about why you believe you can’t have it. Is it even true? Who said it? Why did they say it? When you look at them what does their life look like? Are they happy?
You are living your life. No one else is.
You may need to do different things to get different results, but you are living your life. When all the distractions and other people are not around, who are you left with?
Who decides what you are going to do with your time? Who decides what distractions you are going to let get in your way? Who decides how you are going to feel?
You are responsible for the choices you make. If your life doesn’t look the way you want it to, take a good look at the decisions and choices you are making in any given moment.
Practice some awareness of your recurring thoughts; are they helping you or hindering you?
Live in the present moment; are you doing what you want to be doing in that moment?
If you are doing and thinking things that are the opposite of what you want to be doing and thinking, you may need to ask yourself what you are afraid of.
What is stopping you? Why are you so afraid to live the life you want to live?
Make some decisions. Think of what you are afraid to do, and then decide to do it. Once you decide to do it, then the actual doing of it will be easier.
Don’t worry about judgements from others. Don’t live a life full of regrets for things you did not do. Make the hard decisions, then take action on them. Don’t worry about what other people think. It doesn’t matter. What matters is what you think and how you feel.
Making decisions and taking action will leave you so exhilarated that you won’t have time to worry about what anyone else is thinking anyway. You will be living the life you want, you will be happy.
You have one life, and you are the one living it, live it wisely.
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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Thank you. That was a great blog!
Thanks Vicky,
Happy Thanksgiving!