I know I write about change a lot, and our world is changing for sure and it is changing in the most wonderful ways.
I have been getting a lot of emails and messages from people lately and they ask me when things in their life will change. For sure I can see influences coming up for people and I can see what is the most supported by the Universe and what the easiest path might be to any potential future.
What I cannot do though is make the changes for you. If you are reading this and thinking “something in my life has to change, I feel so stuck (or sad, or lost)” know that things absolutely can change for you, but you need to do something differently.
If you get up in the morning and think the same thoughts and do the same things and stay in the same vibration, you will get more of the same for today, and tomorrow, and next week and next year.
If you really want change in your life you have to change something. It doesn’t even need to start with a drastic change. It can be a small change. It can be a change in the thoughts you are thinking. Everything starts somewhere, and it is always with a thought.
You CAN change your thoughts. Some thoughts are harder to change than others for sure, but it can be done. You need to practice awareness of what you are thinking and then let yourself think something different.
Asking me ‘when are things going to change’ is pointless if you are not willing to change something. We are living in the most wonderful time in the recent (eons) history of our planet. It is so easy to create in the energy we are in. Things are manifesting so quickly and so easily for us now.
If you want change, you are going to need to use this energy to your advantage instead of using it against yourself. If you are thinking that your life is stuck, you will manifest more things that make you feel stuck. If you are thinking that people are horrible you will manifest more interactions with horrible people.
Don’t ask “When will things change for me?” ~ ask “What little thing can I change to feel better?”
Some of you are messaging me saying “a psychic told me that things would be different in my life by September, and so far everything is the same”. Or a psychic told me that my lucky week would be the first week of October and nothing happened.
Thing is, there for sure are influences that can help you to make changes, or lucky time frames for you, or times when the energy will be really good for things to transform for you. BUT YOU MUST TAKE ACTION. If you wake up at the exact same time every day, and do the exact same things you always do, and sit on the same couch every night watching television, and go to bed without doing any one thing differently that day, then the “luck” and the “change” pretty much goes out the window.
You need to take advantage of this energy. You need to allow the Universe to provide for you, you need to do something with it.
If you want something in your life to change, you are going to have to change something in your life (Wayne Dyer).
So, now that you have read this far, what are you willing to change? What are you going to do differently today?
If you feel stuck and not sure what to change start with one of these easy ones:
- Meditate
- get a bit of exercise (or get outside in nature)
- read a book (if you are an avid reader already, read something different)
- pay attention to your thoughts for the day and see what your subconscious mind has been up to
- make an effort to smile for no reason while you are sitting staring at a computer screen
- write a list of all the things in your life you are grateful for
- write a list of dreams or wishes you would have for your perfect future (without judging them or talking yourself out of them)
Your future is NOT set in stone. If you want a different life, you need to create a different life. You can do it, I know you can!
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a phone psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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