I wasn’t sure if I was going to do an energy alert today or not but I sat down to write and that’s what I got.  Must be the 11/1 energy of today.

You have probably noticed that the last couple of weeks have been mildly lackadaisical.  Not that we haven’t been doing anything, just not overly motivated and not sure what to do next.  After the intense energies we had through September (and all year) its not really a surprise that the last part of October was a little more relaxed for most.

Why do I keep seeing 11:11 all over the place

With the 11/1 energy of today and the 11/11 gateway coming up, November could prove to be a month full of transformations.  Being true to yourself is where your power and happiness lie.

You may find that you are suddenly full of ideas this weekend and through next week.  It is important you do something but you don’t necessarily need to specifically act on those ideas just yet.  Take note of them for sure, but act on them over the next week only if you are inspired to do so.

As stated though, you will need to do something with the energy.  Whether it is cleaning your house, or raking leaves, or painting or writing, or whatever, do allow yourself to do something to keep the energy flowing.  There is too much positive energy around to just sit and let it get stagnant.

If you have ideas or new things you’d like to do, then get writing them down, and dreaming and thinking about them.  Play around with the ideas, listen to your intuition and inspirations and let them grow.  Work on them little bits if you are inspired to do so.  The ideas/inspirations that are coming to you now need to be nourished and watered just like a seedling.  Don’t mess with it too much lest you damage it in its infancy, nurture it and allow it to grow.

Transform, flow, grow, shine (your light), be unique… all aspects of the energies of the moment.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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