So a lot of you are feeling weird. I know, I get it, I am too. Most of my clients are. Our world is shifting. That’s it, period. We have had some X-Class solar activity since around the 6th of September. The Sun has phases. Normally, during this time of the Suns phase, the activity is fairly dormant. But its not this time. The sun is doing things out of the ordinary. The size of some of the flares we have been seeing over the past 10 days haven’t been seen in over 10 years.
The sun is not the only factor but it is a big one. When the sun emits high frequencies like this, it changes and shifts energy. It is upgrading our DNA. Its important to realize, that as WE go through these shifts and changes, so does Mother Earth. Everything is wanting to shift and change.
You may be feeling physical manifestations of these shifts. I don’t want to do a list of physical manifestations because they will be different for everyone and I have listed some in previous energy alerts.
We chose to be here during these times of change ~ every last one of us. It can be difficult at times, but we chose it and if we can detach from some of the intricate details it is exciting.
We are going through ascension. Our DNA is changing, energy is changing, the planet is changing. NOTHING will stay the same. You can either allow the changes, and allow the energy, or you can fight it. If you try and fight it, you will have more discomfort.
It has never been more important to go with the flow and live in your moment. The more you try and do something that does not resonate with your new energy, the more uncomfortable you will be.
A lot of you have shared with me over the last week that you have been angry or just a bit annoyed. That is OKAY!! Blow it out!! If you need to swear at the phone, or express your anger, then do it. No sense in trying to hold down all your emotions, that will just cause more angst for you.
THIS PART IS REALLY IMPORTANT: Don’t do it “to” someone. They are not the cause of your annoyance. They may have done something to annoy you, but they are NOT causing the energy. Do not attack. It will bite you in the ass if you do.
You must take responsibility for your own life. No one is to “blame” for where you are now. Not even you. Your thoughts, and actions have played a direct role in where you are now. You did what you knew how to do and it landed you here.
If you do not like ‘here’, then you simply need to do something differently. If there is something that you want to change, then let yourself change it. Some changes seem so big and insurmountable that you may not even know where to start.
Start with NOW. All you have is right this minute ~ that is all you will ever have. Try not to get ahead of yourself, it will stop you in your tracks. You can only change your life one moment at a time.
If you wanted to lose weight or get more fit, you would have to exercise today. Thinking about starting an exercise program ‘one day’ will not get you where you want to be.
If you want to make more money, you will have to take an action today. Any action. Just do it now. All you have is Now.
Any changes that you want to see in your life, or your emotions, comes from within. Things around you are changing and will continue to change, you can’t fight those changes. However, you could fight your own changes. (I guarantee you won’t like how it feels).
Anything you want, anything, starts NOW. You might make a choice to wait and start later. Just KNOW that you have made that choice, and allow it. Know that nothing inside you will change though. You will need to make sure you are okay with nothing changing inside you… can you live feeling like this for another day? another week? another month? the rest of your life?
You must allow the energy to flow where it wants to flow. YOU may be okay with nothing changing within you, but know that things around you will change. Many people in your life will change, they will move forward with this new energy ~ they may even move forward far enough that they leave you behind. You will either need to take some actions to change, or realize that you may be ‘staying the same’ but with different people or situations around you.
What if you want things to stay the same, but you also want the people and situations to stay the same?
Basically, it won’t work. All changes come from within you. All of them. You have no control over anyone else ~ their changes are coming from within them. If someone around you wants to change they will. If you want things to stay the same, you could potentially have the ‘sameness’ of the energy but with someone or something else.
Even mother earth is having these changes. Hurricanes, earthquakes, fires etc. She is shifting and changing. She has to. The coastlines will change, the temperatures will change, the ice and deserts will change. Mother Earth has always changed. You can find deep-sea fossils at the top of mountains. They are there because those mountains used to be under water.
Mother Earth will change. She is changing. You cannot dictate how or where. All you can do is shift and adjust along with her. Trying to MAKE her keep the land the same will only cause discomfort within you.
Placing blame on why she is shifting won’t help a dam thing, she’s shifting. Sitting in the middle of a hurricane while cursing someone or praying for someone else to do something isn’t going to help you weather the storm. Only moving out of the way NOW will help.
If you want to feel more comfortable during these uncomfortable shifts, stay in your moment. Do what you can do right now. Blow out that energy, let it move through you. Don’t try and hang on, its not meant to stay.
If you are feeling blocked and think that some energy work will help you, your next group remote energy clearing healing starts on October 19, 2017. You can see more details here. 21 Day Energy Clearing/Healing Offering ~ Starts October 19, 2017
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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