We are in a new energy now. It is time to let go of the past. NOTHING that came before NOW matters, NOTHING. Not your mistakes, not your triumphs, nothing!
Everything is brand new. Trying to hold onto the past, or getting stuck in your attachments will really mess you up right now. And by ‘mess you up’, I mean that by trying to hold onto old ‘stuff’ or old energies or old relationships or old ways of being, will just keep bringing you more and more discomfort. If you keep trying to hang on eventually all that is no longer serving you from your Soul’s perspective will be replaced with something else anyway. Its like our souls are saying “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, up to you”. (The easy way being making it your conscious choice to let go of things you know aren’t good for you).
It is much easier to let go with conscious awareness and detach from outcomes; to simply trust your process.
It doesn’t mean that you stop caring about things, it means that you stop hanging onto things. That you release your attachment to things (and people and places).
I am really looking forward to the 21 Days of Energy Clearing and Healing coming up on June 13th. We have some really powerful help come in during these sessions, and I know it will help all of us that are in it.
This has been a super challenging year so far for many of us. It is because we are being shifted. Shifted, and prodded and pushed into a new energy. No amount of ‘wishing things were like they used to be’ will help. Things are NOT how they used to be, and they never will be again.
You CAN create a ‘new normal’ though, you will have to if you want to feel better.

Weed, Flower, or Wish Granter? Perspective is everything…..
Embracing Change
I personally know how hard this can be. I have been through the ringer this year so far. It is hard to not look back sometimes, but that just slows you down, so you may as well pick up some good momentum and move forward. I will share my story with you, not for pity but so that you do not feel so alone with what you are going through. No matter who you are or how ‘enlightened’ you feel, or how much you are able to roll with the punches, this year has been difficult ~ as letting go usually is. Being human definitely has its challenges!
I also share my story in the hope that you can see your own life with a fresh perspective. It is not so much what happens in your life, as how you perceive it and allow yourself to move through it.
Another reason I am sharing is because I know I have missed some emails, been hard to get hold of, or have dropped the ball a few times with booking appointments and getting back to people. I have also not been writing and connecting with you quite so much. Hopefully this will help explain. Although, all this is the past and I am going to continue to move forward with all the quirky new-normal things that have been presented to me so far.
For me so far this year: As far as my physical residence, they were tearing down houses all around me and it was time to sell my home to a developer. I ended up having to sell for a little less than was comfortable, but I KNEW I had to let go of my old house. The energy of the neighbourhood and my home of 12 years was no longer supporting my life and growth.
Three days before subject removal, the hot water tank blew up. There was water all over my work space and aside from it taking days to get a new one, it cost a fair bit of money as well.
The process of actually moving house took a MONTH. I had a lot of downtime from work in that month. Once we were in our new place (I won’t say “settled”, because we still aren’t completely unpacked), our service provider for phone, internet and TV was not able to hook us up for over TWO WEEKS. That was a little tricky for work!
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal lung cancer in January, and it has spread all over his body, including his brain. He almost died. I spent much of the past 5 months at doctors appointments with him, and trying to do everything to do with selling a place, financing, buying a place, and moving, while supporting him through his process.
There have been many times since January when I thought he was leaving this earth. We have been doing a lot of energy work. It was hard at first, because I had to wait for him via his Higher Self to make his (higher self) decision on whether he wanted to stay, and I had to WAIT until he was ready to accept energy healing. We cannot do energy healing work for someone else without their permission. We can send love and comfort, which I did every single day and still do, but we cannot make decisions for someone else.
Seems like a ‘coincidence’, but two days after he accepted energy healing (from myself AND other healers, including himself and his ‘team’), he got a phone call from his doctor. Turns out, luckily, they did some DNA tests and he has a rare mutation and is now on some treatment that in one month has shrunk most of his tumours by 1/4 to 1/3. Truly a miracle, from my perspective. He cannot work and sleeps a lot, but he is happy and is alive. This was a big lesson in letting go for me, because it is his process. I cannot dictate what another soul is going to do. All I can do is love him and support him on his journey. We very much live day by day with NO looking back.
It is a big lesson for him, because healing cannot happen if he focuses on his past and what he can or can’t do or be. He is also living a new normal. He cannot do the work he used to do. He may or may not work at any type of ‘business’ again. His JOB right NOW is to be in his moment and heal what can be healed. To look forward to spending his days being as happy and in his moment as possible.
My son is graduating from high school this year, that is another HUGE change for mommy. My baby is growing up! I love him so much and I am so proud of the young man he is. It certainly is a big shift as far as ‘letting go’, and trusting him and his growing up process as well.
My physical space has gone through some other shifts and changes too. We are in a much smaller space and I am having to clear out and get rid of a lot of physical things. My mother in law came to stay for a week, and my step-son has come to live with us for an undetermined amount of time (he’s a big help and a has a beautiful soul). Once again, no judgements, just more ‘new normal’.
As far as my life’s work and purpose goes, I have been planning on doing more videos this year. A lot of my plans for work have been on hold because I have had so many 3D shifts and changes going on. A couple of weeks ago, I went and bought a better web-cam and computer. I didn’t even have time to take it in to have data transferred until a few days after I bought it. I finally got it into the tech department to have my files put onto my new PC. After 4 days with no computer at all, I finally got my shiny new desktop home, and a whole bunch of my files were missing!
I went back to the tech place and spent two hours there with ‘the guy’, and thought all was well. It was pretty late at night when we were done so I didn’t plug in until the next morning.
When I did, it didn’t quite go as planned. Most of my files were still missing, and the memory for my email filled up and I could not send or receive emails for a couple of days. I have lost a lot of emails from people that were waiting for appointments. (if you are waiting to hear from me, maybe pop me another email just in case).
So I plugged in my old desktop to try and recover all my files and it said “Windows is corrupted”, and starting running an hours long scan to try and fix it. No luck, when it was done I was left with a black screen.
I am having to say good-bye to all my data that did not get migrated, to my list of contacts, to many things that were on my PC. If I’m honest I will say that I ‘lost it’ for a very short time (about two hours). Then I put on my big-girl panties and got to work. I am doing what I can, I am letting go of ‘before’, and I am moving on. Maybe losing some of my old data is a good thing. I might not be able to see it quite yet, but there’s not a lot I can do about it, so I’m making plans for my NEW. My new of how I am going to show up for you and in my life.
There are so many things I could have done differently. Maybe they would have been better, maybe not. All we all have is right now though. In letting go of anything and everything that is NOT serving me right NOW, I am able to just live in this moment, and look forward to what is to come. If I was stuck in the past I would be trying to fix my PC and not writing this for you right now.
Yes, this year has been a roller coaster. I truly feel that we are at a decision point right now.
It is time for you to decide if you are ready to embrace the changes that are happening. Can you let go? Of old things, old energies, old habits?
I myself have DECIDED am going to continue to move forward. As much as this year has been tricky, I still feel good. I have felt mostly okay through everything. I do energy clearing, healing and shifting every day. I am not going to lie and say I haven’t had my moments. I’ve had many times this year where I have cried for two days straight. I have had a couple of times where I have gotten so angry I have pretty much just screamed my face off for 30 minutes. This is very unlike me, (I can go years without tears and almost never get mad), but it has been necessary to release the pent up energy.
I do not tell you these things for you to feel sorry for me or anything, although I do always appreciate it when someone sends me love balls. My life is good ~ better than good! It is new and different and scary and exciting all at once! I am sharing to let you know that what ever you are going through, you CAN get through it. Change can be hard. Change is necessary. Change can be scary. When you let go, live in your moment, and keep moving forward, you will find yourself in a new space. Surrender and let go. What have you got to lose?
What do you need to let go of? What do you need to do to move forward? Do you have some energy that needs to be released?
What can you do with this new earth energy?
In this new earth energy our manifestations are happening really quickly. It is important to take care of yourself energetically and physically so that you are manifesting from a place of focusing on what you want (NOT on what you don’t want, or what is wrong in your life right now).
- Stop trying to control things that you cannot control. You must allow things/people to be what/who they are, not who you wish them to be.
- Ground your energy. Get out in nature. Go to the water (oceans/rivers), or just soak in the tub if you don’t have water in nature close by. And drink lots of water too.
- Let go. Surrender, pray.
- Live in your NOW moment. Unless your house is on fire, there will be something in your NOW that you can focus on that is positive.
- Remember Gratitude. Think about all the things in your life that you are grateful for. Right now. The more gratitude you can have the more things you will create to be grateful for.
- BE YOURSELF!! We cannot express this strongly enough! You must stop trying to be someone you are not to please other people. Be YOU. As you allow yourself to embrace the real you, you will find that things will shift around you to bring you closer to your own Soul Purpose and Life Mission.
If you are in a tricky spot, maybe the Energy Clearing and Healing that is coming right up in a week will help you. The decision to sign up or not is yours, but I KNOW these sessions help. Maybe you were drawn to read this so you could get some assistance with clearing energies that are holding you back from embracing the new.
Always with Love,
Tamara Hawk
If you are feeling like you are lost and think that some energy work will help you, your group remote (long distance), energy clearing and energy healing session starts on June 13, 2018. You can see more details here>> 21 Day Energy Clearing/Healing Offering ~ Starts June 13, 2018
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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Thank you for sharing your busy year. I hope the balance of this challenging year is kind to you and yours. I think I know you will direct it that way.
Cheers to “new” times!
Vicky M.
Thank you Vicky <3
I am sorry you are being challenged in your life .
Things sound pretty busy to say the least ! It sounds like you have risen to the challenge and are doing ok ! I hope I can find the strength and courage to do what I need to in my life this upcoming year ! Thank you for sharing it is good to hear what others are going through! It gives me strength. God if she can deal with all if that ? Shit I can deal with what’s going on in my life ♥️♥️
Soio anyways I have recently done an energy clearing with you is it to soon to do another ? . I am feeling like I have plenty more to clear .😃
I know during the clearing I did feel a shift .
I would love to continue to continue to shift in the right direction!
Thank you Theresa 🙂
You can do it!!!
You could join in every session if you wanted to, there are some people who feel so good that they take part in every single one.
We tend to pick things up as we go through life, nothing wrong with having some help to clear out the energetic clutter ever few months! (I do it for myself every day).
So yes, if it felt good and you enjoyed it, then for sure join in this one too!!