This video kind of came through like an urgent message from my Peeps: It is time to choose which frequency you want to live in. The more you can live in 5th dimensional energies like your intuition and the knowledge that you are a powerful creator of your own life and reality the better you are going to feel. What we focus on, we create. So you need to focus on what you want to see in your life and in the world. There is so much positivity, so much love in the world. So keep your focus there. I guarantee you will keep seeing more of it when you do. Try writing a positive story for yourself, include all the wonderful things and experiences you will have. Write it like a novel that is full of wonderful happy things.

Same for the other way around, if you are focusing on the negative parts in the world like fear and dis-ease you will keep seeing more of that. If you find that watching the news leaves you anxious, fearful, depressed or enraged, Stop watching and listening to the news. Watching the news these days is like watching a horror movie. Instead, watch and listen to things that are hopeful, joyful, loving or positive in some way. Holding your energy and keeping your focus there will feel AND create better for you.

Remember, you came here to see the change, to BE a part of the change. You ARE part of raising the vibration of the planet. So create what you want to see more of in the world, and that is love and light and positivity.

You got this!!!
❤️ Tamara

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Needing A Chakra Reactivation? Or To Clear Old Energies, Blocks, and Attachments?
A long-distance, 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing Session supports your energy’s expansion and healing giving you a boost in any aspect of your life. NEXT SESSION: DECEMBER 2023

Wanting To Develop and Expand Your Ascension and Awakening?
Learn more about creating your reality, manifestation, Laws of Attraction and Vibration with
Psychic Coaching & Mentoring and move forward consciously creating the abundant, empowering life you are meant to live!

Raise your vibe and focus on abundance with the hardcopy Amazon version of my 30-Day Gratitude Journal: Personal Training For Your Soul, featuring gratitude quotes and more from yours truly!

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