Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse ~ Lunar Eclipse Energy Update

The 11:11 on the video length was not intentional. I had no idea this video was exactly 11:11 until I posted it and came here to to upload it. How cool is that!!!!

We sure have been going through some dimensional shifts the past few months, whew. They are definitely going to be continuing for the next while too. Everything is changing in this beautiful world of ours.

Its like we’ve been doing this dance where we think we figure it out, and then we forget, and then we figure it out again. It’s the same cognition, we just have it then forget it, then have it again but with different tweaks.

Eclipse Season Is Starting!

And now with eclipse season starting, you may find your world flip upside down, and then flip again. These are NOT bad flips either, they are much necessary things for your journey. It can be up to you how you decide to perceive them. Seriously, this is not to freak you out, just know that you may be changing your mind, and then changing it again.

You may find yourself annoyed. Use that to look at what might not be working in your life.

We will have highs and lows. We will have the “new story” vs the “old story”. A lot of old story’s will be falling apart – let them. Face the shadows on the eclipse – it may show you what is leaving and what you will be served by letting go of.

You may change your beliefs about yourself, or the story you tell about yourself. I am unlucky, I am lucky, I am ugly, I am attractive.

There are a lot of people who’ve been living the spiritual/energetic/manifesting life “in theory”. Like you know you are supposed to say or do or be a certain way, and you put on the mask, but really you aren’t living it.

Some of you can quote verbatim what I or another channels say, but until you can FEEL it, it won’t work.

You might say “things always work out” but you’ve got a vibe of fear. Your words haven’t been matching your vibe.

Its better to say that you are fearful but optimistic, or nervous, but hopeful than it is to deceive yourself.
Awareness and acknowledgement of what you are REALLY feeling is important. You can’t change it if you don’t acknowledge it.  And living in theory is just that – it won’t get you what you want (it will get you what you are feeling), and what you want will seem to always be in the future.

This is a time of big changes, and things WILL change.  Remember to practice awareness and BE the powerful co-creator that you are.  Create, at be, all that you wish to see in the world.  (there’s more in the video)

With Love,
Tamara Hawk (and my peeps)

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