Ah, overwhelm will get you every time. Here’s how I get past it…

Clearing Things Off Your Plate

Feeling overwhelmed and uninspired with clearing things off your to-do list? You just need to start. Think baby steps. Prioritize your top 3 to-do items based on importance, including time sensitive tasks. Even doing prep work creates forward movement with getting started on your to-do list. For example: Your kitchen garbage needs to be taken out to the trash. Tying up your garbage bag and leaving it by the door is prep work and getting started on that task.

Dealing with Feeling Overwhelmed

When it comes to to-do tasks, ask yourself, “What is mine?” We often have a tendency to focus on others’ wants and needs, instead of or before our own wants and needs. Even though, they have very little to do with us personally, these non-emergency, non time-sensitive items for others end up taking too much of our mental space ~ of course, if you are parent or caregiver this is a little different. However, self-care means allowing yourself to be you, and putting yourself first. You don’t need to be all things to all people. Your number 1 priority needs to my YOU!

Taking Inspired Action

Getting inspired and taking inspired action to start clearing off your plate means allowing space to follow your intuition: What are you being guided to do first? What is your gut/ body/ intuition steering you towards? Take a moment to breathe, really breathe or nap. So, that you can get back in tune with what your body/intuition are telling you.

Removing Resistance Begins with A Thought

We all have stuff on our must-do mental lists, that we never feel inspired to do. Let yourself off the hook with some of these “need to do” tasks. By letting yourself off the hook you create more space to become inspired. Or start with doing the hardest things first. Using the “hardest things first” approach can move a lot of resistance off your plate.

Letting yourself off the hook; prioritizing your lists by real importance; doing the hardest things first; listening to your intuition, and allowing yourself space to be inspired and take inspired action; reframing your limiting thoughts (“I can’t”, “I don’t have time”, “I shouldn’t have to”…) about the tasks at hand to expansive thoughts (“I am able”, “I am setting aside 5 minutes”, “I am letting myself off the hook”…) will shift your resistance, and have you moving forward on your need to-do lists with greater ease.

Remember: You’ve got this!!! It’s going to be okay.

Much Love,
❤️ Tamara (and my Peeps)

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