What would it be like if you could no longer find that negative feeling? No longer felt stuck or blocked?
Everything is energy, including your emotions, feelings…vibration. You can either allow your emotions to flow and go. Or you can block your own energy and get angry, discouraged, sick, uninspired, unmotivated, and feeling stuck. If you are going through something, or are feeling upset by something or someone, you need to allow yourself to feel it. All of it! You are stronger than you think, you CAN “survive” your emotions. Know that it is an act of grace, self-love, and -care to allow yourself to fully process your feelings. Then try your best to feel as good as you can in THIS moment. If you are feeling angry or sad or hurt or ashamed guilty and you deny yourself that feeling by swallowing your emotions, that unexpressed, unprocessed emotions becomes inverted and more anchored in your energy. Denying your true emotions in the moment is emotional and spiritual bypassing.
You cannot let go of something that you do not acknowledge. I have talked to so many people that are afraid of feeling anything negative. They don’t dare vent your anger or other emotional pain, lest they manifest something negative from it. You MUST give yourself permission to FEEL and then release your emotions. Stuck emotions at the least create blockages and limitations to your power, and at their worst can cause sickness and depression. It is just as important to feel and process your emotions as it is to be positive.
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