Experience A Powerful Quantum Shift Today!
We’ve got 2 Triad Cards this time!
Just in case you missed this transformational healing energy from earlier this month, here are some more quantum energy upgrades and downloads. Remember, these clearing and strengthening energies can be instant! They will work no matter WHEN you watch even if it’s weeks, months or years later. If you are an intuitive, lightworker, or Starseed, which you are if you are drawn to this video, you will find it helps with your spiritual growth, awakening, and Ascension process. So here are your 5-cards from the Level 2 Deck this time:
Aura Millennium Method Card
Our first card from the Level 2 Millennium Method deck will support balancing and ensuring all of your energy bodies are in their infinite potential. It will help to clear any negative energies from your auric field.
Cards 2 & 4: Triad
Cards 2 and 4 this session are both Triad cards. The first Triad card is Deny/Forget/Suppress: This will gently remove blocks or effects on these levels and the interrelationships between them. It will bring up issues and blockages to clear. It will also help you with recognizing or acknowledging something. It will help you remember. And help if you have been doing things that prevent your growth and development.
The second Triad card is Absolute/Totally/All: This will remove blocks and the effects of those blocks. It supports your limitless abundance perspective and helps make things pure and free of imperfection. It will support and ensure the infinite potentials of what you are manifesting.
Integrity: Card 3
Supports you in keeping your word to yourself, which may translate into more absolute honesty with self and authentic living. It will help you do what is right for you at the highest and best level.
Consistency: Card 5
The Consistency card helps you achieve consistent actions. It can help with focus or routine if that is what’s needed. It supports the harmony of all parts of a complex thing and balances with respect to always putting forth the same energy and follow-through that is required.
Observe what feels and looks different to you after you have received this energy transmission. Notice what FEELS BETTER and CLEARER.
Much Love,
❤️Tamara Hawk and our Peeps
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