I have been writing all my life from journaling every day to blog writing. In the past few years, I have expanded my writing to include creating FREE ebooks for you to support your personal growth and rising consciousness journey. Take a look around and see what books call you. You can receive your free copy of any of these books simply by clicking the “download” button to sign up for my Empowering Perspectives newsletter.
Genre: Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Personal Power
Specs: Digital, full colour, 20-plus pages
Do you listen to your body’s innate intelligence?
Have you mastered how to reset your vibration?
Do you allow for inspiration and synchronicity in your life?
Discover real-world guidance and practices on removing resistance and creating more peace and flow in your life and ease with channeling your manifesting power in, A Life of Allowing.
Genre: Empaths, Intuitives, Psychic Abilities, Self-Care
Specs: Digital, full colour, 30-plus pages
What if you aren’t “over-sensitive”?
What if you are an Empath?
How do you know if you have an empathic superpower?
Written by an Empath for Empaths, discover the definition of your empathic superpower and learn more about how to best care, nurture, and protect your empathic soul in, Empowering Empaths.
Genre: Healing, Energy Healing, Energy Work, Affirmations, MeditationÂ
Specs: Digital, full colour, 70 pages
Receive all the benefits of a group energy healing experience or private energy healing session with me without having to book an appointment! This step-by-step guide covers all the basics from my own meditations with information received from my ascended masters and other guides about energy clearing, healing, balancing, and activating.
Download Your Copy
Tamara Hawk on Teespring
Introducing my official online store, Tamara Hawk Store in Spring (Teespring), featuring empowering perspectives and fashionable clothing and everyday accessories by yours truly! Check it out and start surrounding yourself and your favourite spaces with more Love and light.
Choose from a selection of premium quality, comfortably stylish, unisex clothing; beautiful and positively affirming wall art and decor; fun and functional, light-filled kitchen, living, and on-the-go accessories only at the Tamara Hawk Store.
FREE eBook! A Life of Allowing

Get your FREE ebook today when you subscribe to my empowering perspectives Newsletter. Discover 7 things you should know about using the Laws of Attraction and Vibration and manifesting for creating a life of more peace and flow in A LIFE OF ALLOWING!
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