It surprised me to learn from a recent psychic reading client, that like meditation many people don’t know how or think they don’t know how to journal. I have been journaling every day since I about 15 years old, when my grandmother told me that if I wanted to be a writer I needed to write every day — I have boxes and boxes filled with journals sitting in my garage. I feel sorry for whoever has to eventually go through them all. I suspect they may end up in a recycling bin. Lol! 🙂

Writing For The Sake of Writing

Here’s the thing, if you have been talking yourself out of journaling: “That’s something I did when I was a kid,” “I wouldn’t know what to write about”, “I don’t have time to write…” ~ you need to get out of your own way and just start writing simply for the sake of writing. That’s right! “Dear Diary…” type journaling for the sake of journaling. Every day. Journal writing engages your BEing side of the brain instead of engaging primarily your doing side of the brain (a healthy brain using both hemispheres equally). That is the point of journaling, to focus more on BEing than doing.

Another ‘brain tweak’ is to write on white paper, by hand, with blue ink. This also engages a part of your brain that is different than when you just type something out.

Image courtesy

“Dear Diary…”

We all have those inner critics that are the voices of our mothers, friends, teachers and others in our heads. So, use your journal to talk you and only you. Without guilt or shame, allow yourself to write about whatever comes to mind in that moment. No planning, no writing prompts, simply start writing the first thought or feeling that pops in, and go from there. Write a few lines, or 4 paragraphs, or 3 pages about your:

  • Goals, dreams and fantasies on that day
  • Day or specific moments of your week or day
  • What you want your day to look and feel like
  • What you would like to do or accomplish that day (keep it positive and don’t turn it into a giant ‘to-do’ list, this practice is to empower you, not to make you feel like you failed at some list)
  • Thoughts and recent observations or realizations (“Ah hah! Moments”)
  • Inspirations, gratitudes, personal affirmations, mantras and blessings
  • Sleep and diet or wellness practices
  • Feelings, insights and intuitive thoughts
  • Its even okay to journal your anger or grief. ( I’d stay away from phrases like “I’ll never get over this”, and add more phrases like “I will feel better”)
  • And YOUR WINS. If you feel good about you be your own cheering section. (no self judgements)

It doesn’t matter what you write, just as long as you write, every day.

Journal To Consciously Create Your Life

I usually write when I first wake up (on my patio with a coffee and a smoke 🙂 ) I find mornings are the ideal time for me to write in my journal, because it positively sets the tone and vibration for my day. I also often write throughout the day. If something good happens, or I accomplish something it goes in there, it is often followed by: Yay Me!! Play around and learn what time works best for you though: mornings, work breaks, lunchtime, after dinner, in the bath, bedtime…whenever. Through daily journaling you will happily discover that you are consciously creating your entire life and vibration.

Much Love and Happy Journaling!
Tamara Hawk

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