Soul Transformation Light Codes

Your Spiritual Downloads for the Week of November 6, 2024.. Notice What You Notice! The week of November 6, 2024, the Soul Transformation deck comes up for your whole well-being: ⚝ Wounds Into Wisdom: Will help you gain wisdom from negative experiences. Give you the...

Learning To Recognize Your Dominant Vibration

Laws of Attraction and Assumption Truths.. For Better and More Positive Manifesting I know that you may know this already, but it bears repeating: our manifestations always show us where our vibrational set point is pointing to whether we pay attention to it or not....

April 2024 Solar Eclipse Energies

Are You Feeling This Unexpected Solar Eclipse Energy? A little April energy update for you. Are you feeling this unexpected solar eclipse energy early? There’s a lot of unsettled energy, during this eclipse time, don’t fall for it. Your fears, your thoughts of the...

Your Vibration Manifests Your Reality

Your inner vibration needn’t be conditional It Is to trust and that things are ALWAYS working out perfectly and in your favour. Manifesting 101 Stop listening to people who have gotten rich off teaching “theory” when they really have no idea of the energy behind...

Don’t Let Your Past Define You

Many of us have been taught by society that humans are inherently bad.. This is simply not true. Some of you may feel undeserving because of your past. Your past is your past. You did what you thought was the thing to do at the time. Maybe you were a jerk ~ that is...