by Tamara Hawk | Jun 14, 2013
Fasten your Seatbelts!! I’ve written before about moving from the 3rd Dimension into the 5th Dimensional energies. There are still a lot of 3rd Dimensional energies here on our planet. Our Souls have come to earth to have a 3D experience. Maybe one day I will...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 14, 2013
There is an energy out in the world right now that is really pushing us to be our authentic selves. We really need to be true to US. Who WE ARE. What we want. We need to stop worrying about what other people might think or say or do. We have been PROGRAMMED (mostly...
by Tamara Hawk | Jul 18, 2012
Hello everyone, Its been a long time since I have done a blog post. I will likely have a new one up in a day or two. In the meantime I just thought I’d touch base with a couple of updates. I was a little ill in June and got somewhat behind on things, between...
by Tamara Hawk | Apr 9, 2012
If you like my page on facebook, you will see a special rate for a one hour psychic reading that is good until April 23, 2012. No need to become a “friend”, I don’t need to see your information. Just Become a Fan of my FB Page! To become a fan, just...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 17, 2012
Just a quick update on my status because its been so long since I have done a post. As of yesterday, I am snowed in. What that means is I have a little extra time on my hands to do some phone psychic readings. The majority of my plans have been changed for the week...
by Tamara Hawk | Nov 16, 2011
Hi everyone, Things are feeling well. I just love this time of year. It is amazing and beautiful how Mother Nature works. Just when the leaves are ready to be falling from the trees, the wind starts up and helps things along. We have had 3 or 4 windstorms over the...