The Time Is Now! Choose Your Dimension

This video kind of came through like an urgent message from my Peeps: It is time to choose which frequency you want to live in. The more you can live in 5th dimensional energies like your intuition and the knowledge that you are a powerful creator of your own life and...

Do You Really Want To Pick A Side?

I do these videos ‘on the fly’ and without notes. I mention healing others. I am a facilitator of healing. Healing comes THROUGH me, from you yourself and from God, not just from me. I simply misspoke and didn’t want to ditch the whole video just...

Energy Alert ~ Shifting Dimensions ~ June 18, 2020

I have always tried to not be too woo woo when sharing because I didn’t want to alienate anyone.  The times we are in, and the times that are coming up are too important at this point though and if I need to be woo woo, then so be it. If you have been following...