Do You Really Want To Pick A Side?

I do these videos ‘on the fly’ and without notes. I mention healing others. I am a facilitator of healing. Healing comes THROUGH me, from you yourself and from God, not just from me. I simply misspoke and didn’t want to ditch the whole video just...

How To Make 2021 A Better Year Than 2020

Everyone is wanting to know if 2021 is going to be a better year. So, I figured I should do a “Prediction 2021” video and share with you the secret of making 2021 a better year than last – even if 2020 was a good year for you. 2021 Prediction First...

How I Beat My Depression

Disclaimer:   I’m not a doctor.  I will not tell you that anti-depressants don’t work. I am NOT a medical doctor and I am NOT telling you that you should stop listening to your doctor. I am NOT telling you to go off medication, if you are on it. I am...

Energy Alert – New Moon in Leo – July 23, 2017

Its a New Moon today.  Today is a great time to set some intentions on what you want in your life. We have been through a lot so far this year.  June was really intense, and July may have felt a bit more relaxed for some, but there still has been a lot of activity. ...