by Tamara Hawk | Aug 13, 2016
If you eat that sugar coated shit, you’ll get sick. I need to write this for you today, not sure why, or who needs it, I think it’s a lot of people so here goes… YOU NEED TO LET YOURSELF FEEL YOUR FEELINGS!!! There is such a huge push to “think positive”, even...
by Tamara Hawk | Nov 7, 2015
There is no separation…. I heard this audio today and really wanted to share it with you. It talks about how everything is energy. Hoping it helps inspire you through the weekend. If you need someone to help you look at your life...
by Tamara Hawk | Nov 6, 2015
Change is so hard, yet it is so easy. We are so habituated to our patterns sometimes that any deviance from those patterns can make us feel uncomfortable. That is the hard part, the discomfort of doing something differently. The easy part is that once you change...
by Tamara Hawk | Oct 20, 2015
We all pick up on the energy of other people, places or things. If you are reading this you are likely more sensitive than a lot of people. You are all intuitive. You walk into a place and can feel if it feels “nice”, or “homey” or...
by Tamara Hawk | Oct 1, 2015
For years now we have been in an energy of letting go, overcoming challenges, removing blocks, clearing chakras and energy fields, and trying to get rid of what is no longer serving us. What if that is all over now? It is for a lot of you. You’ve done the...
by Tamara Hawk | Sep 27, 2015
We need to get away from this energy of dependency. It is not healthy for the dependent person, nor is it healthy for the person being depended on. We absolutely DO need to come together in cooperation and sharing; but dependency is another thing altogether. Yes,...