It’s OKAY To Have A Down Day

Do you ever have those days where you think: “What’s wrong with me?”Maybe, there is NOTHING ‘wrong’ with you. Everyone gets sad once in a while. Sometimes it’s a full-out depression for seemingly no reason at all. I just experienced...

Evil Gets Cancelled, A Lightworker Story

Do We Really Need To Focus A Lot On The Evils of The World? I wrote this story about 7 years ago and never published it because, at the time, it was incomplete. Well, my assistant pulled it up from the archives the other day and after channeling a bit more information...

You Have The Power To Lead Your Own Way

Fear, Judgements, Mandates & Disconnection from Self and Source Over the last 2 years, I have not written much about covid or the vaccine or the mandates and restrictions, or the riots or politics (its all political) because, ultimately, you need to do what you...

Don’t Mistake Spiritual Bypassing for Positivity

Being positive doesn’t mean that you don’t feel your feelings or that you never have negative feelings. It IS unhealthy (does not serve your highest and best good) to push down your feelings, the energy then just gets stuck in your body. Being “positive”...

How I Beat My Depression

Disclaimer:   I’m not a doctor.  I will not tell you that anti-depressants don’t work. I am NOT a medical doctor and I am NOT telling you that you should stop listening to your doctor. I am NOT telling you to go off medication, if you are on it. I am...