by Tamara Hawk | Aug 6, 2021
Ah, overwhelm will get you every time. Here’s how I get past it… Clearing Things Off Your Plate Feeling overwhelmed and uninspired with clearing things off your to-do list? You just need to start. Think baby steps. Prioritize your top 3 to-do items based...
by Tamara Hawk | Apr 22, 2021
Now offering full and mini Private Energy Healing Readings with Millennium Method Those of you who have had psychic and medium readings with me, or know me from social media may know me largely as a Psychic Medium and Psychic Coach. What you may not know about me is...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 9, 2021
Being positive doesn’t mean that you don’t feel your feelings or that you never have negative feelings. It IS unhealthy (does not serve your highest and best good) to push down your feelings, the energy then just gets stuck in your body. Being “positive”...
by Tamara Hawk | Jul 28, 2017
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. I will not tell you that anti-depressants don’t work. I am NOT a medical doctor and I am NOT telling you that you should stop listening to your doctor. I am NOT telling you to go off medication, if you are on it. I am...
by Tamara Hawk | Aug 13, 2016
If you eat that sugar coated shit, you’ll get sick. I need to write this for you today, not sure why, or who needs it, I think it’s a lot of people so here goes… YOU NEED TO LET YOURSELF FEEL YOUR FEELINGS!!! There is such a huge push to “think positive”, even...
by Tamara Hawk | Oct 28, 2015
I have read a few articles circulating on Facebook the past week that walk you through “what a real friend” looks like. One of the things I have noticed that these articles have in common is that they will say, “If your friend is constantly too busy...