Part 1 – How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Life?

This blog post is Part One of a Two-Part Series. I write and talk a lot about you having control over your own life. A lot of clients ask me “How much control do I really have? Are some things just destiny, or meant to be?” What about the things you really want, but...

A Note from the Universe

A client recently introuduced me to this website called TUT.  I signed up for a daily (Monday to Friday), personalized e-mail from The Universe.  Its pretty cute.  And inspirational too. I like getting an email from the universe every morning. The website also has...

Things shouldn’t be this way

That is a very powerful sentence. Think of the energy behind it. It really doesn’t matter what should or shouldn’t BE. All we have is what IS. That’s it. Focusing on how things should or shouldn’t be, just keeps things the way they are. If you find yourself saying...

When Your Day Seems Out of Balance

When your day seems out of balance And, so many things go wrong. When people fight around you and the clock drags on so long… When most folks act like children, and fill you with remorse, Go out into your pasture. Wrap your arms around your horse. His gentle...

Today is a Good Day

Boy oh boy energies and things have been strange lately.  For me, and for a lot of my clients that I have talked to.  Its as if we are all waiting for something to happen.  There has been a lull.  Many of us know that things are as they are meant to be and that we...