Sugar Coated Bullshit Is Still Shit

If you eat that sugar coated shit, you’ll get sick.  I need to write this for you today, not sure why, or who needs it, I think it’s a lot of people so here goes… YOU NEED TO LET YOURSELF FEEL YOUR FEELINGS!!! There is such a huge push to “think positive”, even...

Your words and thoughts have physical power – Will Smith

Found this video of Will Smith talking about how your thoughts and words have physical power.  Its a montage of different clips where he talks about his success.  Interesting perspective on talent, skill, work ethic and making other peoples lives better. Think its...

The Art of Relaxing ~ How to Relax Your Mind, Body and Soul

Yesterday I wrote a blog post about our need to take it easy and relax this weekend.  I heard from a few of you that you have a really hard time just letting go and allowing yourself to relax.  You get so wound up in your head and your thoughts that you cannot even...

You will always have challenges

There will never be a time in your life that you are not challenged in one area or another.  Never.  Even if your life is relatively good, you will still have challenges.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find a way to enjoy each challenge as it came along?...