How To Get from Overwhelm and Resistance To Inspired Action

Ah, overwhelm will get you every time. Here’s how I get past it… Clearing Things Off Your Plate Feeling overwhelmed and uninspired with clearing things off your to-do list? You just need to start. Think baby steps. Prioritize your top 3 to-do items based...

How I Beat My Depression

Disclaimer:   I’m not a doctor.  I will not tell you that anti-depressants don’t work. I am NOT a medical doctor and I am NOT telling you that you should stop listening to your doctor. I am NOT telling you to go off medication, if you are on it. I am...

Sugar Coated Bullshit Is Still Shit

If you eat that sugar coated shit, you’ll get sick.  I need to write this for you today, not sure why, or who needs it, I think it’s a lot of people so here goes… YOU NEED TO LET YOURSELF FEEL YOUR FEELINGS!!! There is such a huge push to “think positive”, even...

Your words and thoughts have physical power – Will Smith

Found this video of Will Smith talking about how your thoughts and words have physical power.  Its a montage of different clips where he talks about his success.  Interesting perspective on talent, skill, work ethic and making other peoples lives better. Think its...