Willpower and Failure

Why do you quit? Why do you fail? Because you start by pushing yourself.  Rather than feeling good and getting into alignment with what you want, you feel into how things are now… of what you don’t like about your life, of how unworthy you are now. And you...

The Time Is Now! Choose Your Dimension

This video kind of came through like an urgent message from my Peeps: It is time to choose which frequency you want to live in. The more you can live in 5th dimensional energies like your intuition and the knowledge that you are a powerful creator of your own life and...

How To Make 2021 A Better Year Than 2020

Everyone is wanting to know if 2021 is going to be a better year. So, I figured I should do a “Prediction 2021” video and share with you the secret of making 2021 a better year than last – even if 2020 was a good year for you. 2021 Prediction First...