The Path of Least Resistance

This is a great Abraham audio.  No matter what you want, or what your challenge might be, this will help.  It has a really good explanation about your beliefs and your subconscious and your vibration.  I think all of you that are wanting something should listen to...

The Biology of Belief Meets the Tao of Change

I found this video of two of my favourite authors, Bruce H. Lipton, PhD. and Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I didn’t know they had done any talks together, but I was happy to find it. Wanted to share it with you… just because its two of my favourites, and thought you...

Wayne Dyer How To Get What You Really, Really Want

I know that some of you are familiar with Wayne Dyer, however I also know from speaking to you that some of you have never heard of him. Wayne Dyer passed away earlier this month, but his legacy will live on.  I had the privilege to see him speak a couple of times at...

Time to Put Your Ideas to Work – Get a Plan!

We are in such a great time of creation on earth right now.  Its time to get with the program and get a plan to get this energy working for you instead of against you. I am a big proponent of going with the flow and doing what you are inspired to do in any given...

How Facebook Works Just Like the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction will bring to you what you are focused on whether it is something you want or something you do not want.  For example, if you are focusing on war or poverty, you will find that war and poverty come into your awareness all the time.  The ails of...