The Time Is Now! Choose Your Dimension

This video kind of came through like an urgent message from my Peeps: It is time to choose which frequency you want to live in. The more you can live in 5th dimensional energies like your intuition and the knowledge that you are a powerful creator of your own life and...

How To Make 2021 A Better Year Than 2020

Everyone is wanting to know if 2021 is going to be a better year. So, I figured I should do a “Prediction 2021” video and share with you the secret of making 2021 a better year than last – even if 2020 was a good year for you. 2021 Prediction First...

Energy Alert ~ August 5 ~ Lions Gate

Here is your latest energy alert.  We are coming up to the Astrological Lions Gate which opens Monday August 8th and stays open to the 12th.  This energy is very intense. Some of you are already experiencing some of the effects of the Lions Gate.  Lack of good sleep,...

Energy Alert ~ Your Manifestations are on their way…

I feel an energy of transition.  There are new things on the way for you. The energy has been NUTS and emotional lately. Things will be a lot calmer for a bit, but it may feel boring and like nothing is happening.  Compared to the last few weeks, you may wonder what...

The Only New Year’s Resolution You Need

There is one thing you can do for yourself this year that is guaranteed to change your life. It can change your life so drastically that it will feel like magic. Make the New Year’s Resolution to pay attention to what you are thinking and saying and how you are...

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

I have a lot of you coming to me saying that this is how you feel.  Like you start to get somewhere and then all of a sudden you are propelled backwards and you feel worse off than you were before. It doesn’t need to be that way.  What is it you are trying to...