Two of My Favourite Healing Books

Just a quick blog post today, but I would like to share a couple of really good books with you. The first book is “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay.  I am sure I reference this book at least once per week.  Louise Hay shares some very good insights...

Grounding Meditation

I came across this meditation a couple of months ago, and I just love it.  It helps to ground and clear out all the ‘gunk’ from your energy ~ without tiring you out.  I wouldn’t listen to it while driving, but there is very little risk that it will...

Psychic Awakening – Course Review

Psychic Awakening is an online course that you can download. I mentioned it briefly at the end of this blog post How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Life Over the years I have taken on mentoring clients, and still do once in a while. I have also thought many times...

A Note from the Universe

A client recently introuduced me to this website called TUT.  I signed up for a daily (Monday to Friday), personalized e-mail from The Universe.  Its pretty cute.  And inspirational too. I like getting an email from the universe every morning. The website also has...

My Favourite U-Tube Video of the Month

I thought this one was pretty good, someone emailed it to me so I thought I’d share it with you.  A palindrome reads the same backwards as forward. This video reads the opposite backwards as forward. Not only does it read the opposite, the meaning is the exact...

Some Song Lyrics to ponder…

I have a few things that I would call my “favourites”. My favourite things even change on occasion depending what I might be feeling or going through at any given time. I must say though, that one of my favourite songs is “Get Together” by the...