Dealing with a breakup

I know there are a lot of you that have already gone through a breakup, or are going through one right now. I am sharing this video of Esther Hicks channeling Abraham with you in the hope it will help you on your path and maybe even provide a little bit of comfort....

Why do you want someone that doesn’t want you?

What My Mom Taught Me About Relationships Why would you want to be with someone who does not want you? You want a relationship so badly yet you go after someone who doesn’t want to be with you. Even if you manage to “catch ” them do you really...

2015 is a Power(ful) Year

It is time to take your power back.  2014 was a pretty tough year for most people.  I’ve blogged a lot over the past few years about letting go, and it’s as if 2014 was the year for anything we either didn’t willingly let go of, or that we didn’t know needed to be let...

Help from a Position of Strength

We are all one, and our energy sometimes shifts collectively.  This will create a ‘trend’ that I will see in my clients, and in my family, friends and myself as well.  It doesn’t happen collectively all the time, but it seems to be happening around...

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Are you stuck in your comfort zone?  Are you bored as hell in your life?  Do you wake up some mornings and wonder what this is all for?  Do you contemplate running away from home to some place more fun?  If so, you are probably stuck in your comfort zone. I was...

Dare to Be Different

If you are reading this, you are most likely at least a little bit different than certain segments of the population.  You are different than people who don’t believe, or are afraid of alternate dimensions for one. You might be different than your parents, your...