No, I will not work for Free, and Neither Should You

This post is for all of you who are self-employed and may have friends or colleagues asking you to work for free.  It is also for those of you who think that I may want to work for free.  It happens. I actually have people who email me when they have an opportunity or...

You Are Being Called to Take Action in 2015

Last year was a tough year for sure.  Everyone had some sort of big challenge.  Whether it was financial, work or relationships, our Souls are being prepared for more. In the last 4 months of 2014 many relationships ended for people ~ this is due to the energy of the...

Is My Relationship Healthy?

Relationships, ask for what you want/need, then LET IT GO A relationship is not meant to ‘complete you’. That’s a bunch of hooey. If you are not already complete there’s not a soul on the planet that will be able to help you through a romantic relationship. When two...

My Kid Doesn’t Listen To Me

I just wanted to write a post about new teenagers because they are very misunderstood by parents sometimes. I hear a lot of parents complaining about their kids’ ‘attitude’. The attitude can be from hormones or things going on that your kid doesn’t want to share with...

Are We Meant to Be?

This is probably one of the most common questions I get.  You meet someone and feel a really huge connection.  It’s as if you have known them your whole life.  It feels so comfortable to be around them, you talk for hours, being in their presence feels like...

What, How, When – Tell Me My Future

I would really like to clarify something about the future, “fortune telling”, psychic readings, talking to, or hearing from your guides, loved ones, angels etc. You are a co-creator. To ask a psychic or clairvoyant what is going to happen in the future, without being...